OK Guys, this is NOT a ***** competition.
This topic was inactive until Muffdivr posted a few pics 10 days ago. 2 days latter LL posted a grand total of 3 pics here (not sure if any elswhere).
Ozbomber posted what I consider a light hearted reply, to which LL politely responded. No aggression here from anyone.
There was no call for the remarks from Pianogrinder or 91hebasu, none what so ever in these circumstances. In fact 91hebasu, LL has posted only 5 times since he was returned from suspension, with very few pics.
You guys have a problem, take it to a mod. Start a fight and you will deal with a mod.
LL, remember the trouble you got into last time? Well there was a lot more ***** behind the scenes than what you know. Control your enthusiasm for Laettitia or the next time there is a suspension, it will be me that does it.