I was having this problem before. I have a similar internet speed and wasn't able to get even to 100 kbps. A few things were the matter, I use Open Dns on my network and it was set to filter pornography, strangely the deskbabes site itself ins't be blocked but the download server was, so I turned that filtering off. And then my firewall wasn't trusting deskbabes/virtuagirl. It wasn't necessarily blocking it it's that it didn't see it as a trusted program that can do whatever it needs to. So be sure the firewall is set to trust/allow or whatever your firewall calls it the deskbabes/vghd program and more importantly the virtuagirl_downloader.exe file. If none of that works you're router might have a strict NAT and could be blocking the ports that the downloader uses. I currently get a broad range as in today I saw as low as 300 kbps and as high as 1200 kbps probably a. So you may have cause to tweak some settings and then you can get the speeds you desire. Hope that helps.