Angelika GraysGreat outfit
Elfish Night
f0782 - iStripper XXX
Angelika Grays
Elfish Night
f0782 - iStripper XXXGreat outfit❤️ , but I ***** this going to be e SEC-card😭 😰 because of the tag Cosplay -a pity for me since I don't gamble.
@wrightsayswowwithout a doubt
I also think the next SEC will be Angelika Grays' card. I have five jokers, so then I can spend one for her card.
Angelika GraysAC/DC
Highway To Hell
f0783 - iStripper XXX
Katerina Sol
Fever Is Rising
e1581 - iStripper
Dark Desires
f0777 - iStripper XXX
Rebecca North
Lace Me Up
e1614 - iStripper
Oui @Alkasyn, bien vu, c'est @zzmaskers qui doit être ravi de s'être trompé hihi😉
Yes @Alkasyn, well seen, it's @zzmaskers who must be delighted to have been wrong hihi😉
Angelika's card : Highway to Hell looks like a special card to me. For next week maybe
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