Hello everyone!
Who do you think is the best girl with the body/babydoll ?
For me, Kristina is awesome.
The room she's in isn't exactly the best room, maybe she's looking for a nicer home ...
Then you would be better off with me ...!😎
Mais, je les aime tous, dans toutes les couleurs, toutes les formes, et toutes les tailles ...
Je pense que je veux essayer un de chaque 2 ou 3 fois ....
et puis revenir en arrière et les essayer encore et encore et encore.
But, I love them all, in all colors, shapes, and sizes ...
I think I want to try one of each 2 or 3 times ....
and then go back and try them over and over and over again.
Can you two take your little spam war somewhere else please?
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