Dorothy Bank has always been one of my Top Erotic babes here at VG!
Seems strange as I am always asking for more explicit action.
Her "Chic Chick" card has the distinction of being one of the few whose preview clips alone got me off!
OK, enough of the Plas news you DON"T want to know, :) but the example is there to stress the sexy, sexy, of Mz. Bank.
Shabba & Suzie are among the top sensual exciters for me too.
Quite different performances too.
Shabba moving so "flowingly erotic-based-in-cute", has me enthralled by her Exquisite, sensual, "woman next door" beauty!
Susie has a unique performance style which is not so much "dance" as such, but more
AthleticCatProwl,Pose 'n' Flow into Sexy, then back to FlexyCatStalk!!For me, very graceful in a Pouncy" sort of way! I do like this a lot...but do ache for the "cookie" also!
Dorothy is in a class by herself...Her moves are as "LiquidSilk" as Sandra H's & she emits an Intelligent Sexuality that always has me imagining the incredible sex we're gonna have as soon as she finishes her sultry, sinuous,sexy, dance!
I love the knowing smile of hers that says,"I know you want to hit this...but nooooot yet!" She is determined to keep it Glam not Slam but her exquisite movement style carries her moves easily & effortlessly into a fine Erotic offering.
Mmmm...I DO appreciate her...(often)!