As some of you know, I have a Microsoft Access database application the reads data from the iStripper data folders and lets me filter cards and clips and generate playlists. I released a much expanded version for beta testing about a week ago and I think I've discovered a ***** problem:
A card's rating is stored in it's XML file and it appear that it is always in US format: <rate>9.56</rate> This is text data. When one of my beta testers ran the application on a European computer, my logic that converts text to a decimal failed. I think it converted 9.56 to 9560, but I'm not yet certain.
Here is my question: Can 4-5 iStripper users in Europe open one card XML file each and confirm that the US format is always used? While I can think of a number of ways to handle the problem, I need to know how complicated that problem is.
Worst case is that Totem has two XML formats, one for North America and one for Europe and that a single member could have some of each. If all XML files use the US dot format for rating, my problem is simpler.
Note: Every card has an XML file in the data folder. For example card a0001 will have a0001.xml in folder a0001 in the data folder. These files can be opened and examined with a text editor.