First up - thank you VERY MUCH, @Manue - your suggested correction worked beautifully! When I benefited from your calm advice, my skin `crawled' at my remarks to, and about, you. I certainly feel completely chastened, for my behaviour, in this case! I offer up an unqualified apology - yours to accept, reject or ignore - as you see fit! My underlying `condition' is one involving mood extremes. Over the years I have `largely' managed it - although you may justifiably beg to differ, @Manue! Again, thank you - particulary in light of my remarks.
One note that I think I should make. In re-downloading those deleted shows, a few started to download at 16-32kb/s - that speed that resulted in previous in 7-hour downloads. In these instances, I found that stopping the download - sometimes twice, even three times - then restarting, eventually brought the download speed up to normal. I had seen reports of those same slow download speeds over last weekend, in the Forum. There may be some explanation in those vghd.log files.
@celine - I do so very much appreciate your follow-up. It may now be considered unnecessary, given the success of the process provided by @Manue - but I, for one, felt that what I was saying was not being `heard'. For me, that has changed - very much! Don't worry, I will not intrude upon you again. Your kindness should not be insulted by repetition. I will long remember the understanding that you gave me and your follow-up posts!
With bowed head, ladies - but a relieved heart - I wish all that a truly magnificent Christmas and New Year can bring you. I will celebrate the correction of my issue - the part that you ladies have kindly played in it - my resulting `extreme of happiness' - by completing my Sybil card set!
A small PostScript - and I am sorry if this looks to be that over-imposition. A Christmas wish/hope, only - freely offered - and can be just as freely ignored. ***** these extremes in mood, receiving ridiculous amounts of medication as treatment, I cannot help but feel for a banned member, whom I may have more in common with than I thought. A lot of my issues stem from the suicides of some very close to me. Judging by a posted response, I suspect, the member has had similiar experiences - maybe even has a similiar underlying condition. If the latter is true - and untreated - she may have little control of her mood - and triggered reactions. Clearly, other members should not bear the brunt of unnecessary tirades. But just a point of view from one - twice as old as the banished member (and therefore having had so much longer to come to terms with these issues) - who remembers what it was like to be untreated. Thank you for reading this - assuming that you have.