So the new cards are starting to roll in, there has not been a model that I really liked with the new format till Cara Mell's Astounding released today.
First things first, I love the direction headed, standing scenes, pole scenes, really breaking up the monotony of 3-4 scenes of mostly the same thing on previous cards.
The first thing I noticed with the new format, the flow of the clips played is awful. Standing clips run into pole clips and into table clips, there is a definitive lack of order. The insanely hot clip #19 has zero lead in, no other clip provides context, all other table clips that might lead into 19 do not sync up. The pole and standing clips have two different full strips, which leads at least 4 smaller shows. I don't need to see the model stripping out of the same outfit 5 or 6 times in a XXX card. You have all these clips and it feels super random, which is fine for a normal card but terrible for the XXX cards.
The XXX cards had definitive scenes before this, the problem was that they were mostly alike - light foreplay first scene, hands on second scene, and an accessory scene for the finale. At least you could pick one of the scenes to watch for 9-12 minutes. Here you can't, everything is jumbled up and really upsets any mood that was present in XXX cards before.
So big step forward and a big step backward.
I'd like to see a change for the better here, there is so much potential in the direction of the XXX shows. Bring back the continuity of the scenes.
Standing scene full strip with a finale - Segue from the table action in a standing clip into a table clip for full size action. Could be shot with other table clips later but attached to the standing scene.
Pole Scene - same as above, finale scene even with the pole there. Something to lean on while the action is happening.
Table scenes - A full scene.
The standing and pole clips have some amazing potential with outfits, pantyless teases turned into xxx moments, there are tons of titillating ideas to be had, just put them into scenes :p