A new version of iStripper is available and it comes with some useful improvements.
#1 - A new tab "Previews" tab in the main header. This new tab shows the 7 Free Previews currently active on your computer. Downloading a new Free Preview adds it at the right, which pushes the oldest one out to the left. The software will also automatically push in new Free Previews there every 10 minutes when the software is activated and in use.
WARNING If you currently have more than 7 Free Previews on your computer, they will be removed when you upgrade. Make sure you put all your previews in your wishlist before upgrading so that you don't lose them.
note: Free preview push can be disabled in your settings if you have made at least One purchase of credits.
#2 - New notifications system for users on Windows.This system is the best way to keep you instantly informed of the great new deals and important messages. Now, you can now choose if you want to be notified by the software itself or directly by Windows OS. Of course you can disable the whole notification system in the advanced settings.
#3 - New image processing (Will be visible with future clips).This new processing will significantly improve the colorimetric rendering of our future productions.
#4 - New "US stars" filterNow you can quickly find all the US stars we have produced in our Las Vegas studios: simply select "US stars" category in the girls store.
#5 - Filters are disabled when you make a search in the storeWhen you type something in the search field, it disables any filter you would have selected and makes them disappear.
For more info : you can check the fully detailed list of features and bug fixes here
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How to upgrade ? If you run version 1.2.126 & above :
- Open iStripper
- Go to settings
- Click "check for updates" button at the bottom of the settings page.
If you run a version below 1.2.126 :
If you have any trouble upgrading, please contact support at
[email protected]