allow: behindtable
Deny: pole, ffronttable, top, cage, accessories, glass, duo, inout
// deny: fronttable not ffronttable // there is no duo qualifier as far as I know
light {
pos: 0, -850, 100
ambient: 1, 1, 1
color: 0, 0, 0
} // requires a final closing bracket for camera.
2. Compatibility: Other than the first listed model in the .scn code
there remains the problem of other models being selected from
just about any card active in My Collection.
3. Fullscreen in so doing, seems to ignore any GUI filter settings for
resolution, Year of production, or DPI etc. which often hinders authors
presenting multi-models with same relative sizes together in a scene.
#define iGlobalTime u_Elapsed * 0.0001however unlike other portable shaders, that does not slow down anything :-/
#define iGlobalTime u_Elapsed * 0.0001it will throw up an error because ...
uniform float u_Elapsedwil be a redefinition.
#version 150to get rid of the error.
Girl03.b = 0.0;
animate: 1.2
animate: 0.925
clip {
id : Girl1
category : nurse
deny : top, table, pole, cage, glass
clip {
id: Clip
deny: table, top, accessories, cage, inout //delete inout unless you loath split body side clips.
clip {
id: Clip2
allow: table
deny: top, accessories, cage, pole, inout
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