void main (void)
vec3 test = mix(Background01.rgb, Girl.rgb, 1.0-Background02.r);
gl_FragColor = vec4( test.rgb, 1.0);
void main (void)
float al = (Background02.r+Background02.g+Background02.b)/3.0;
vec3 test = mix(Background01.rgb, Girl.rgb, al);
gl_FragColor = vec4( test.rgb, 1.0);
id: reflection
size: 1920, 1080
pos: 960, 540
source: Girl
pos: 0, -400 //not sure of the exact position
scale: 1.0, -1.0 //invert the y direction
source: reflection
pos: 0, 800 //again not sure where it would go
opacity: 0.98
color: 0.9,0.8,0.7 //or whatever you want if you want to adjust the olour of the reflection.
id: reflection
size: 1920, 1080
pos: 960, 540
source: Girl
pos: 0, -400 //not sure of the exact position
scale: 1.0, -1.0 //invert the y direction
standingheight: //whatever you want
sittingheight: //whateveryou want
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