camera {
type: 2D
pos: 960, 540
size: 1920, 1080
animate: 20, PingPong, InOutSine, pos, -400, 0
//------------------------------ main scene
sprite {
size: 2200, 1080
pos: 200,0 // shift x to -50 or -100 and all the scene to see the window/snow
source: colorClip,0 // clip, full size
source: fbo2,1 // blurred light mask
source: fboNormalBackground,2 // background
shader: combine_light.fsh
blend: false
//------------------------------ model reflect
clipSprite {
pos: 300, 500 // must be X +100 of Sprite position Above
standingHeight: 800
rot: 180, 0, 0
scale: 1.0, 0.9, 1.0
source: ClipBm
opacity: 0.3075
about the xmas scene, if you didn't notice yet, and for the scene coders:
you will find a zip file in the xmas folder. That was actually the original scene, with dynamic lights and bump mapping (see here Unfortunately it was a little too heavy and we had to release a lighter version in order to be sure that everyone can play it smoothly... however, you can play with it, for instance, try to make the lights move on the scene, you will see the shadows moving on the stones.
One other interesting point is the use of the 'blend' parameter. A bug has been fixed in the latest software version, and you now can use it as expected (before it could never go back to the normal blend parameter...). see we you can do here: (you need to remove the prefix GL_ in the .scn, see the xmaslive.scn ...).
@HSS good ..we got you in sceneland addictive clutches again..heheLOL, if you knew what all those suggestions and things looked like to me....I can fix cars, trucks, pumps, shoot stuff, break stuff and if your sick I can recommend some medicine (post military education), but computers..they have an on button, and if that doesn't work...I have a hammer (several really) and shotguns.
all @GMAN has to do, is make a copy of .scn or like above rename to xmas2.scn
Then if he deactivates all scenes except the two xmas ones..he can right-click to swap da girls😊
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