You guys are some of the scene gods enough said.
The editable speed color changeing ray/rainbow effect in your new christmas scene is so freaking cool..Nice touch sir. I bumped up the clip sizes of it and removed the foreground... Man I love it !! And greatness is never to early. Happy hollidays everyone.
clipNameSprite {
// Note: Dimensions and Scales are divided by 4 Here
// Because the Frame Buffer is 1/4 the Size of the
// Backlight Sprite 2200, 1080 divided by 4 = 550, 270
// these are taken from the ClipNameSprite at the end of the Scene
// pos: 400, -100 Divide these by 4
// scale: 1.2 Divide this by 4
pos: 100, -25
scale: 0.30
hotspot: 0.5, 1
source: Clip
shader: occluding-3.fsh
clipNameSprite {
// these ar 4 times what the positions and scaling above are
pos: 400, -100
scale: 1.2
hotspot: 0.5, 1
source: Clip
shader: occluding-3.fsh
cosof the three Colors..
Original Version
float rC = weight +( sin(u_Elapsed*0.3)/1.0);
float gC = weight +( cos(u_Elapsed*0.6)/1.0);
float bC = weight +( sin(u_Elapsed*0.2)/1.0);
3b version
float rC = weight +( cos(u_Elapsed*0.3)/1.0);
float gC = weight +( sin(u_Elapsed*0.6)/1.0);
float bC = weight +( cos(u_Elapsed*0.2)/1.0);
if you use a shader with a sprite then the scale, opacity, and color attributes in specified in the .scn for the sprite often have no effect. I recently found out why - it because the shaders are not bothering to do the trivial amount of work necessary to take them into account.
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