The video link doesn't work @Wyldanimal.
Je me demandais simplement si cela aurait été différent si la base rose avait été un peu plus large pour cette scène ?
sprite {~~~
pos: 0, 210, 695 //685
size: 448, 64 //440
hotspot: 0.5, 0.5
source: ppcstage
scale: 2.1, 0.9 //1.85, 1
was just wondering, would it have been different if the pink base was a bit wider for this scene?
I Add Animation to the background images.Here is a sample Video. I never got permission to share my modifications.
I just asked again, If I get permission to share, I'll post the links
Not a shader, animated still PNG files.
does this really work ?Using a Dummy Girl 1 clip that isn't used in the camera view, dows prevent the
logo: Info/small_logoFractalGardenA467.png
text: Info/infoFractalGardenSeptet.txt
// remix of FG020
//clip {
// id: Clip3A
// allow: top //dummy clip
// }
uses an untested experimental 'dummy' clipsprite ( discussed with @WyldAnimal before ) to hasten finding the swing clips and this could be the cause.
logo: Info/small_logoFractalGardenA467.png
text: Info/infoFractalGardenSeptet.txt
// remix of FG020
//clip {
// id: Clip3A
// allow: top //dummy clip
// }
@smith2I seem to have misplaced / lost this scene, when I change my PC.
Nous avons beaucoup d'plaisir avec votre «Time Machine». tks😍 👍
~~We have a lot of enjoyment with your 'time machine' scenes. !!!!!
logo: Info/small_logoFractalGardenA467.pngalso modified..
text: Info/infoFractalGardenSeptet.txt
// remix of FG020
clip {
id: Clip3A
allow: pole //dummy clip
clip {
id: Clip
deny: table, top, glass, cage
@smith2 my apologies.. I meant to say, your Stargate scenes [...]I suspected it (not its primary function, but possible with solar flare). It seemed to me that I hadn't made a Dolorean from Doctor Brown, or a Tardis from Doctor Who.
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