Also I run in graphic render CPU mode only. Hope that helps
If you're talking about the graphics rendering in the iStripper program settings, it's fine on CPU for my part. But it doesn't really seem to work for me with the scenes. You can see more of a difference between GPU and CPU when running the shows on the screen.
camera {increasing the camera pos z axis further will give you a larger black scene border however that
type: 3D
angle: 45
pos: 0, 0, 1352 //1320 //1272
I know anyone can download 1K or 3K resolution versions of their cards at any time
however one can only replace & keep one version of this at a time. No one wants to do that.
Como usuário gratuito iStripper, você não tem permissão para responder a um tópico no fórum ou criar um novo tópico
Mas você poderá acessar as categorias e conceitos básicos e entrar em contato com nossa comunidade.!