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Discussions for Scenes for Version 1.2.X Fullscreen Mode here

  FĆ³rum / Tudo sobre iStripper

De em Oct 2009

2519 post(s)
February 5, 2022 (edited)
LoL @Comte , Oui, elle connaît mieux la moitié de tout..Content journée à vous 👍👍

LoL @Comte , yes she knows better half of everything..😊 Happy day to you 👍
De em Oct 2009

2519 post(s)
February 5, 2022 (edited)
@Philours - Again, thanks @EverthangForever. These 6 new scenes compile at my house too 👍
As @ComteDracula points out, scene 159 is jerky as is scene 118. I like those swing clips 😍
I was wondering if such a scene with only one model could not run more easily on our pc?

Il est facile de tester cela..
pour éliminer l'un des models, il suffit de changer le nom de l'un des models
dans le code .scn comme ci-dessous par exemple. pour FG159
It is easy to test this..
to eliminate one of models being shown, simply make temporary change to the name of one of the models
in the .scn code as below eg. for FG159

clipSprite {
pos: -700, -495, -140 //pos: -400, -495, 0
source: Left //<---------change source name to xLeft
standingHeight: 655
scale: -1, 1, 1
resolution: 20
opacity: 1.0
//animate: 42.0, pingpong, outinexpo, pos, 800, 60, 260
animate: 42.0, pingpong, outinbounce, pos, 800, 60, 250
De em Nov 2020

1160 post(s)
February 5, 2022
FG 155-160 👍😎

I wish I had a better half. 😄 Hey, any Valentine's Day inspired scenes in the works? 😕 😀
De em Feb 2019

1656 post(s)
February 5, 2022 (edited)
Vous m'avez fait faire mes premiers pas dans la programmation @EverthangForever 😀
Voici le résultat, le bégaiement persiste malheureusement 😢
You made me take my first steps in programming @EverthangForever 😀
Here is the result, the stutter unfortunately persists 😢
De em Jul 2008

4620 post(s)
February 5, 2022
Le bon terme pour traduire "stutter" en français est "saccade" (ou à-coup). Le bégaiement est le terme utilisé pour la parole. 😉
De em Mar 2008

4048 post(s)
February 5, 2022
Stutter is also the correct term to use for choppy video
see definition 2

stutter verb

stut·​ter | \ ˈstə-tər \
stuttered; stuttering; stutters
Definition of stutter

1: to speak with involuntary disruption or blocking of speech (as by repetition or prolongation of vocal sounds)

2: to move or act in a halting or spasmodic manner

related to GPU video
De em Nov 2020

1160 post(s)
February 5, 2022 (edited)
Are you saying stuttering is a technical term in computing? I didn't see that in the link, it only says a general definition (dictionary definition) which is not a technical term (terminology). We can split hairs just for fun but whatever gets the point across should do just fine. 😕 😄 😎

Remember my use of 'stitching'. 😄
De em Feb 2019

1656 post(s)
February 5, 2022 (edited)
On ne parle pas technique @Socialhazard mais simplement du résultat d'un programme de scène 😄 L'important est que l'on se comprenne tout de même malgré nos langages différents😉 De toute façon, je l'ai toujours dit : il y a trop de mots, beaucoup trop de mots 😄😄😄 On peut toujours faire confiance au traducteur mais parfois le sens varie et cela peut occasionner quelques malentendus 😧😕
We're not talking technical @Socialhazard but simply the result of a stage program 😄 The important thing is that we still understand each other despite our different languages 😉 Anyway, I've always said it: there's too many words, too many words 😄😄😄 We can always trust the translator but sometimes the meaning varies and this can cause some misunderstandings 😧😕
Je me rappelle aussi du mot "chienne"
I also remember the word "female dog" 😆
De em Oct 2009

2519 post(s)
February 5, 2022 (edited)
De em Jun 2011

480 post(s)
February 5, 2022
Vous m'avez fait faire mes premiers pas dans la programmation
N'écoutez pas @Philours, il n'est pas débutant comme il le prétend. Il veut juste se fondre dans la masse pour paraître des plus normaux.
De em Jun 2011

480 post(s)
February 5, 2022
En fait c'est pas "En cherchant Majorana" mais c'est "En cherchant @Pilours". 😆
De em Feb 2019

1656 post(s)
February 5, 2022

Il veut juste se fondre dans la masse pour paraître des plus normaux.

Merci beaucoup @Sexy3DBoy, plus de deux ans et demi d'infiltration sur iS et vous venez de me "griller" Vous êtes vraiment trop fort . Grrrrrrrr😖😖😖😄

De em Nov 2020

1160 post(s)
February 5, 2022
@Philours 👍😎
De em Nov 2020

1160 post(s)
February 5, 2022 (edited)
"FG163 does not compile for me. White wallpaper."

For me too.

2022-02-05T15:41:01[] WARNING[QOpenGLShader::compile(Fragment): 0(26) : error C0000: syntax error, unexpected reserved word "float", expecting reserved word "highp" or reserved word "lowp" or reserved word "mediump" or reserved word "superp" at token "float"
0(150) : warning C7533: global variable gl_FragColor is deprecated after version 120]
2022-02-05T15:41:01[] WARNING[*** Problematic Fragment shader source code ***
De em Oct 2009

2519 post(s)
February 6, 2022
Ok, I have an idea about what is causing the problem with FG163
J'ai une idée de ce qui cause le problème avec FG163

De em Oct 2009

2519 post(s)
February 6, 2022 (edited)
FG163 has been updated . Please delete previous FG161-166.
zip and re-download / extract over the old

thanks for your patience everyone. Here is what I changed for FG163
In bluebuilt mazeMod01.fsh

changed line 27 -29 to
#ifdef GL_ES
precision highp float;

Line 1 -2
#version 140
#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable

FG163 should compile ok now 😊
@Socialhazard , yes FG164 does move the horizon up, but very slowly
@Philours , FG165 is the same. I have put on the repair list for later
De em Aug 2017

1342 post(s)
February 6, 2022 (edited)
Everything is ok for me, except the FG165 scene. I finally saw the logo appearing on the FG165 scene, but it is very rare. The flashes are more frequent than the appearance of this logo, on this scene. This same logo never appears on the FG165WA scene. Is it planned like this? There are the jerks in the movement of the girls more obvious on the FG165, which seems very light on the FG165WA.

I did see this time, the horizon moving very slowly up and down in the FG164 scene.

Thanks again EverthangForever. 😊

Tout est ok pour moi, sauf la scènes FG165. J'ai finalement vu le logo apparaître sur la scène FG165, mais c'est très rare. Les flashs sont plus fréquents que l'apparition de ce logo, sur cette scène. Ce même logo n'apparaît jamais sur la scene FG165WA. Est-ce prévue ainsi ? Il y a les saccades dans le mouvement des filles plus évidentes sur la FG165, qui semble très léger sur la FG165WA.

J'ai bien vu cette fois, l'horizon se déplacer très lentement vers le haut et vers le bas dans la scène FG164.

Merci encore EverthangForever. 😊
De em Oct 2009

2519 post(s)
February 6, 2022
@ComteDracula les flashs sur FG165 se produisent surtout pour moi lorsque le modèle passe à un autre.
C'est assez bref et ne m'empêche pas de regarder. Merci pour votre précieux soutien.

@ComteDracula the flashes on FG165 happen mostly for me when the model changes to another.
It is quite brief & does not stop me watching. Thank you for your valuable support.
De em Aug 2017

1342 post(s)
February 6, 2022 (edited)
I'm glad to finally see that I'm not the only one seeing these flashes. @Philours had put me in doubt.

I hadn't noticed that it was when changing clips and girls. That makes sense.

Thanks for the clarification. 😊

Do you see the stage logo appearing at the bottom right, on the FG165WA stage?

Je suis content de constater finalement que je ne suis pas le seul à voir ces flashs. @Philours m'avait mis dans le doute.

Je n'avais pas remarqué que c'était lors des changement de clips et de filles. Cela a du sens.

Merci pour les éclaircissements. 😊

Voyez-vous le logo de la scène apparaître en bas à doite, sur la scène FG165WA ?
De em Feb 2019

1656 post(s)
February 6, 2022
Et bien voila FG163 fonctionne bien maintenant 😉 Bon travail @EverthangForever 👍 et Merci !

Pour moi les scènes FG165 et FG165WA jouent sans flashs et le nom du modèle apparait dans les 2 scènes correctement 😊
(Il n'y a que le mouvement saccadé qui persiste)

Et bien, un peu de repos maintenant ? 😆😀

Well FG163 is working fine now 😉 Good job @EverthangForever 👍 and Thank you!

For me the FG165 and FG165WA scenes play without flashes and the model name appears in the 2 scenes correctly 😊
(Only the jerky movement persists)

Well, a little rest now? 😆😀
De em Oct 2009

2519 post(s)
February 6, 2022 (edited)
Thanks @Philours for the feedback. Good to know 😊

Do you see the stage logo appearing at the bottom right, on the FG165WA stage?

Yes @ComteDracula I just ran FG165WA and saw the scene descrption 'logo' appear in the
bottom right corner after about a couple of minutes. It is the same scene with the code header
shown below, in ET - FractalGarden165WA.scn which was included in the last update.

logo: Info/small_logoFractalgarden165.png <-----Logo for FG165

One does need to be a little patient , however it does eventually appear
De em Feb 2019

1656 post(s)
February 6, 2022
Qu'appelez-vous exactement logo @ComteDracula? Est-ce le nom de la fille et le titre de sa carte qui est entrain de jouer? Si c'est cela, alors comme je le disais plus haut, cela apparait dans les 2 scènes 165 et 165WA pour moi 😊 Ou parlez-vous d'autre chose?
De em Oct 2009

2519 post(s)
February 6, 2022 (edited)
are you talking about something else?

Oui, @Philours ce n’est pas le modèle ou le nom de la carte qui préoccupe @ComteDracula.
Il s’agit d’une petite écriture en or sur boîte noire qui apparaît dans le coin inférieur droit indiquant
le numéro du fichier de scène en cours de lecture.. On le retrouve dans toutes mes scènes.

Yes @Philours it is not the model or card name which @ComteDracula is concerned about.
It is a small Gold writing on black box which appears in the bottom right corner denoting
the number of the scene file which is playing.
De em Feb 2019

1656 post(s)
February 6, 2022
Ha d'accord, alors il est manquant et même dans les quelques scènes que je viens de tester rapidement 😲 Pas grave pour moi, mais il me semble tout de même l'avoir aperçu dans le passé? ***** 😉

Ha ok, so he's missing and even in the few scenes I just quickly tested 😲 Not a big deal for me, but I still seem to have seen him in the past? Weird 😉
De em Mar 2008

4048 post(s)
February 6, 2022 (edited)
changed line 27 -29 to
#ifdef GL_ES
precision highp float;

I just wanted to touch base on this
#ifdef GL_ES

this is a test to see if you are running
GL_ES , Which is a version of OpenGL/ES for Embeded Systems such as Phones, tablets, Web Browsers

It says If GL_ES is detected, then set the Precision to highp

Since iStripper is run on the desktop,
it probably is not used.

And the Default header is used in it's place.

It's better to place your Definition as Part of the Header in the shader.
and Not worry about
#ifdef GL_ES

since the Shader is not being run on multiple devices, that may or may not be using the embedded version of Open GL /ES

Also, per the standard
GLSL uses all highp, it ignores any lowp, mediump, highp qualifiers.

Precision qualifiers
Note: Precision qualifiers in GLSL are supported for compatibility with OpenGL ES. They use the same syntax as ES's qualifiers, but they have no functional effects. Do not use them unless you want your shaders to be ES compatible.
There are three precision qualifiers: highp, mediump, and lowp. They have no semantic meaning or functional effect. They can apply to any floating-point type (vector or matrix), or any integer type.


it probably makes no difference to keep it in the shader, it would be ignored, because we are not using OpenGL/ES
#ifdef GL_ES
precision highp float;
De em Feb 2008

742 post(s)
February 6, 2022 (edited)
The logo: @E.T. uses is nothing but his own alterd png. image that replaces the ''istripper'' logo like you see in any Totem original scene in the bottom right corner. It is allways displayed at a set time during the scene (around every minute or so) and the time/location can't be changed. BUT you can make a image for it as big as 1920x1080 with text/logo or other image set in the center/other corners or where ever you want within that 1080 space.

I have done this myself to avoid/omit the screen darkening effect the ''splash logo:'' setting dose at the begining of original scenes to create a logo full scale or other corners without the darkening effect at all.
De em Mar 2008

4048 post(s)
February 6, 2022 (edited)

in all of the shaders for scene FG165

this section defines the columns ( around line 65 )
you can comment out the columns to increase performance

example: to use just one column
comment out the others.

vec4 scene(vec3 p)
vec4 res = vec4(0, 0, 1e4, 0);
//res = u(res, piece(p, vec2(0), -.2, 13, .5, 1.));
//res = u(res, piece(p, vec2(1.5, 0), -.0,9, .2, 1.));
res = u(res, piece(p, vec2(-.7, -.9), -.0, 8, .3, 1.3));
//res = u(res, piece(p, vec2(-1.5, .1), -.5, 5, .8, 2.));
//res = u(res, piece(p, vec2(.5, .7), -.05, 12, .2, 1.));
res.z = min(res.z, p.y);
return res;

Here is a single one with varying time

vec4 scene(vec3 p)
float vt = 4 * fract(iTime/100) + 1. ;
vec4 res = vec4(0, 0, 1e4, 0);
res = u(res, piece(p, vec2(.4, 1.2), -.05, 11, .2, vt/2.));
res.z = min(res.z, p.y);
return res;
De em Feb 2008

742 post(s)
February 6, 2022
To get a idea of what I meant earlier of a full scale replacement logo. See this image, it's very transparent to not completely overtake anything you may have behind it. Model etc.
De em Mar 2008

4048 post(s)
February 6, 2022
for the GL_ES test Scene
Here is the Shader

#version 140
// for iStripper by WyldAnimal
// ##################### GL_ES_TEST ##############################
// lets test if we are using GL_ES
// the color of the background will be set Green if Yes, Red if not
#ifdef GL_ES // If it is GL_ES then
vec3 Bkg_Color = vec3(0.,1.,0.) ; // make the background GREEN
#ifndef GL_ES // If it is NOT GL_ES then
vec3 Bkg_Color = vec3(1.,0.,0.) ; // make the background RED
// ################### END GL_ES_TEST ###########################
void main(void)
gl_FragColor.rgb = Bkg_Color; // solid
gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;

and Here is the Scene

// GL_ES test Scene by: WyldAnimal
// place in same Scene folder as the original
// Single Model in front of solid background
texture {
id: Logo
source: Small/iStripper.png
//####################### GL_ES_TEST ############################
framebuffer { // hi resolution display
// size = 1920 x 1080 divided by 1 = 1920 x 1080
id: background
size: 1920, 1080 // Size
quad {
size: 1920, 1080 // Size same as above
hotspot: 0.0, 0.0
shader: fragment, Shaders/GL_ES.fsh
clip {
border: 2 //WA: reduce border
id: MainClip
deny: top
camera {
type: 3D
angle: 45
pos: 0, 0, 1240
target: 0, 0, 0
Sprite { //WA: using frame buffer in place of on the fly background creation
source: background
pos: 0, 0, 0
hotspot: 0.5, 0.5
size: 1920, 1080 // Same Size as framebuffer above
clipSprite { //WA: BBox
pos: 0, 480, 1
standingHeight: 750
sittingHeight: 750
source: MainClip
scale: -1.0, 1.0, 1.0

Sprite { //iStripper Logo
pos: -880, 400, 1
scale: 0.25
rot: 0, 0, -90
hotspot: 0.5, 0.5
source: Logo

link to Scene

link to sample images
De em Jun 2011

480 post(s)
February 6, 2022
Et les pros du codage voire du développement, vous avez tous un avenir chez Google et Facebook_Meta avec la construction du Metavers.

And the coding and development pros, you all have a future at Google and Facebook_Meta with the construction of the Metavers.


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