OK, and in addition to that I can say that i donwnloaded some scenes from @TheEmu as well and in my scene library of the Istripper Software they appear the same ( with white background) but when i play this scenes they work just fine. (For example: Bana Split and Ergometer Scenes).
However, when generating the scene previews the program gets it wrong and instead of just setting the alpha component to 1.0 it seems to also set the red, green and blue components to 1.0 as well - so we see white pixels in the previews but properly coloured ones in the full sized versions.
The scene FG110 before correction, had a white background both in the preview and in the real scene.
2021-07-17T03:35:54[] WARNING[QOpenGLShader::compile(Fragment): ERROR: 4:115: 'assign' : cannot convert from '2-component vector of highp float' to 'highp float']
vec2 p = -1.0 + 2.0 * q;
p.x *= iResolution.xy/iResolution.y;
p *= iResolution.xy/iResolution.y;or
p *= iResolution.xy/iResolution.yx;or
p.xy *= iResolution.xy/iResolution.y;or
p.x *= iResolution.x/iResolution.y;
vec2 p = -1.0 + 2.0 * q;
p.x *= iResolution.xy/iResolution.y;
p *= iResolution.xy/iResolution.y;the p alone has 2 BOXES and the formula produces a TWO BOX result.
p *= iResolution.xy/iResolution.yx;again, both side have 2 BOXES
p.xy *= iResolution.xy/iResolution.y;and Again, Both Sides have two BOXES
p.x *= iResolution.x/iResolution.y;this one is different
Some GPU's will ignore this error and just swizzle the vectors to match@WA thank you so much for this explanation (above)
Could lack of a "Swizzle" feature explain why some other members' rigs are not compiling some shaders
where the code "boxes" (so to speak) don't balance
v2 = v3;
v2.xy = v3.xyz;
v2.xy = v3.xy;
v3.xyz = v2.xy;
I have tried reducing mounting textures from .png to smaller .jpg
#define time u_Elapsed*(-1.0)This looks to have corrected the stilted movements of the model, seen in the first shader mod version.
2021-08-05T09:34:19 fullscreen: [NodeAnimation::set] WARNING[Unknown repeat mode "0" for node ""]
2021-08-05T09:35:01 fullscreen: [FsNode::setNodeProperty] WARNING[Unknown node property "resolution"]
2021-08-05T09:35:09 network: [NetworkAccessManager::dumpReply] WARNING[POST "https://www.istripper.com/cdn-cgi/bm/cv/result?req_id=679bc59c5ce83e75" "Unknown error" 204]
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