For testing, I am Downloading Both the 720p and when available, the 1080p size as well. ( I keep a separate folder for each )
Comparison wise, since they Bot are encoded from the same Higher resolution Source Video. both version have about the same detail and definition.
So I haven't notice where anything is lost because of the clip being reduced to 720p.
Obviously the Native 100% size is different.
On my Laptop ( 800 Pixels Height ) even some of the 720p standing clips are too tall for it.
For Size testing I watch them on my other screen which is 1200 pixels in height.
And Size wise, they are pretty consistent.
Using the reduce to my Screen check box, will give varied results, depending on each individual clip.
It takes into account not just the top of the Models head, but other items Such as the top of the cage, when computing how much reduction is needed.
So the same Card might have several different Clip Heights, based on what is the Highest part of that clip.
Manually lower the Zoom.
You can adjust the full size zoom slider..
This affects both the sitting and standing clips..
On the full size desktop Zoom setting 80% is the Lowest setting.
(I've suggested to the team to allow the full size zoom to go below 80%)
Even at 80%, with reduce to my Screen NOT checked, some clips are too tall...
For Now, with my laptop screen of 800 height, the Best Option for ME is to use 120% zoom, and Put a Check mark in the Reduce to my Screen for 720p cards.
80% Zoom with reduce to my screen checked, for 1080p cards.