I post this message to inform everyone on our way to.
Below are the rules that we sum set to VSPoll (moitoucour, tacia, maverick and spaceinvader) publications.
Regulations of the games
1 ° Integrate a photo presentation of the VSpoll's models (it facilitates reflection).
2 ° Must put in the title: VSPoll gold Versus Poll.
(3) Leave at least 2 month before repeating a girl.
(Officially apply since Friday, 27 July)
Why it has not been made before?
Celle-ci has not been developed before, because we expected a maximum of response, to an average of suggestions, having had a large majority of score of 1 month and 3 months, about 50-50, that's why 2 months has been defined, which allows everyone, simply having a middle.
4 ° Text accompanying opening artwork:
You are welcome to add your favorite Photo or User Artwork in support of your choice!
(Keep in mind we not allowed to post any image created for a commercial organization.)
5 ° for measurement of ease of editing of the document please provide the following things:
I ° A schedule of the VSPoll of at least 4 weeks.
II ° an approximate date of the post.
III ° possible If the card that will be use (as an option)
With the incidents that occurred recently, I am obliged to clarify several points.
(1) sum us still in train to work on the administration of VSPoll you provide the best possible comfort, and when one reads comments with some profanity or aggressive tone, it does not encourage to accept the proposal made by the Member.
2 ° The future VSPoll will be display on lasting 2 weeks or 1 month (not yet defined), and a week before the start of the first publication.
If a VSPoll is to be published Friday, 17 August, it will be displayed one week in advance, so that everyone can consult the calendar and thus offer an alternative, if a member is that it is too close to a Battle already perform by this same model.
It is strongly advise to contact the author by message deprive, to avoid all war at the sight of all, and it will be sole judge of change or not his choice. Of course, an is it you please or a thank you would be welcome in the application ca cost nothing and change the tone of the message.
(3) For the time being sum US 4 to publish regularly VSPoll, namely that we publish one per week, except in exceptional cases of publication VGirl and DBabes (rare).
4 ° The VSPoll will be active 1 week before defining the winner (a survey on an artwork you will be proposing soon)
5 ° Small novelty, if you have any suggestions of model to us, we will be delighted to organise this, the suggestions should be made here, and if possible (the calendars and the models waiting period) we will work to meet your demand.
(6) The link below is the old version of the calendar of the VSPoll (on any future Battle was removed for not revealing our projects), is to open with a type of text processing, greater than or equal to Word 2007 software.
http://fr.quozpowa.com/QuozUpload/17156991781344258729VSpoll2.docxWe have evolved our calendar in digital version so that my partner and I can modify it without having multiple sends to perform.
PS: If you have any questions, you can contact moitoucour or tacia by private message, we will give you a response as soon as possible.
Thank you all and all for taking the time to read this, and I hope that this will be clarified your questions.