As a photographer myself and having real experience with real models,clothed and naked,it is the photographers job to please his or her audience and not for their own personal gratification....
I totally agree with most critisms sofar especially CV,but there are two points to be made in the defence of the photographers.
That is, his/her artistic interpretation of the subject matter.
Photographs have to capture the moment in an interesting,appealing and artistic way as to make the audience be drawn into that moment.
It is also the job of the models to help the photographer, to pose in such ways that gives the photographer chance to give the audience what they want.Believe me when i say,it is not as easy as you think!!!
Basically,in the photoshoots that ive seen the photographers have tried to give the audience a little bit of everything.
From been dressed to been naked,standing up to sitting or laying down,front and back,bent over,kneeling,squatting,toying,fingering spreading,long shots,close ups and different angles... It's hard to please everybody,all of the time...
So I'd just like to say...
Everybody that owns a Camera can take good pictures.
Everybody that owns a Camera is NOT a Photographer!!!!
Big up for the Photograhpers.. Petrus....