Thanks for speaking up about this, FalconAF. I agree with you that there is a widespread lack of respect for models not measuring up to individual tastes or for fellow members who like those models. I believe your comments reflect a good mindset.
I agree a little bit with Oquijan, however. I think that a model's body (or, actually, the viewing of said body) is part of what she is offering to us for our enjoyment. Therefore, her body AND her performance is exactly what we should comment on. That being said, there should be respect and tact in the way we say it. Not only should we avoid denigrating comparisons (i.e. "her way-too-huge tits remind me of a cow's udder!"), but also dogmatic, sweeping generalizations (i.e. "her tits are just WAY too big!") that imply that something is actually wrong with her (& possibly the people who like her), rather than merely not being the way some might wish. Much better to say that "I don't care for breasts that are so large that they hang down." (By the way, that's just an example; I LOVE breasts that big! LOL) Sometimes, despite the best of intentions, most of us will probably cross that line occasionally. I know I have. In the Forum, at least.
Still, I must say that the Model Card reviews, especially ALL of a card's reviews considered together, have been very helpful to me. When considering individual comments, I'm not looking for someone who will necessarily agree with my tastes but a commentator who regularly exhibits objectivity, keen powers of observation, and a good eye for detail (the latter two are not always the same). Two of a few that often match that description are EvilDave1 and Spacephantom. Sometimes I emphatically disagree with them, but their insights are valuable.
And so are yours, FalconAF. Think, consider others, review the model. Thanks!