Absolutely, Totem does listen to subscribers and many features are implemented. Even if it's a simple text change (Someone had said that the tab labelled "Girls Store" on the website didn't sound right and suggested "VirtuaGirls Store" - Rex hopped on and immediately agreed and changed it per his suggestion).
And then there's me (among other members), who basically held a pseudo-WallStreet protest (I'm kidding, it was a very relaxed suggestion), to get the new Trimmed filter added. Wa-La! After asking a bunch-o times, Totem popped and said, "Your wish is my command." :-)
They all are watching everywhere, even if they aren't posting (too busy). So, where-ever you post, your voice is heard.
It's just that this situation -- and as Cartef has stated -- is so messy. If Totem credited maxed out subscribers accounts, then ya, we all could hop over to the other sites where profit only happens by not subscriptions, but by tickets, Totem looses money. Then, there's a worm hole that's created, that if people get so many credits, they will ALWAYS have maxed out accounts.
This is a situation to best leave it as it is: Maxed subscribers should contact Totem support to freeze their subscription. No credits will be issued. It's the person's responsibility to notice whether or not they're maxed (Totem can't monitor all of our accounts themselves). :-) This is the best and most logical route to go.
Just my 2 cents. :-)