I have to ask, why so many new noname faces on deskbabes? I haven't seen all that many faces that intrigue me, sure I'm a picky guy, I know that. I just wanna know why you the Virtuagirl team can't get any of your old beauties to cross over and do at least a solo on deskbabes. I'm talking girls like Nella (known to do hardcore or at least heavy softcore for the most part, including fisting), Sandra H (allthough heard she had a kid), Viki omg would love to see Viki on deskbabes (allthough she's never done any HC don't think she's even done much SC), Melisa (her shows here on deskbabes were great, would be awsome to see her come back)
Mostly talking the old VirtuaGirl classics amongst the lineup.
I'm sure there are many who agree with me, if not necessarily the same girls I've listed, but you know established VG girls who we've come to know and love :D