Seeing as how you seem fixed on my post, let me give you a refresher:
- CV, Theo, Patrick & I (plus a number of other members) were all partt of a forum called SVG Forum. That forum had been establish back in the early days of VirtuaGirl (not be me or CV) and based upon hit rates was indeed the most prominant of the VG fan sites.
- At its peak it had a few thousand members.
- When the Christine Young card was released there was an absolute rejection of it by the members of that forum.
- Members were passionate in their rejection of it with only a few agreeing.
Now I do not know where you were looking, but it wasn't the SVG forum. There the majority of members condemned it. That is a simple fact.
To me personally, when a young girl, by that I mean someone close to the legal age (in most countries) of 18, tries to make herself look younger than that i.e 16, then that to me is crossing the line and that was the overwhelming view in the SVG Forum. Tabatha on the otherhand as well as other much older models, never looked like a ***** even when they tried. The difference in case I am not clear is that to the people who complaigned, she (unlike others) looked younger than 18.
That is MY opinion on the issue and if I was asked by Totem, I would say no to its release, but like CV, they do not ask us, so my opinion obvious has no bearing. But it is still MY opinion.
Now I have explained the position, stop your harassing of people on the issue. You have made you request, now zip it.