Totem reluctantly created DeskBabes due to continued requests by members who wanted COMPLETE erotic action in the VG style,(after enjoying cards byPrimo finger dipper girls Natali, Marie, Mia, Mai,Alizee,Sharka, etc. on VG) both technically & stylistically, without male involvement in the action!
What many of us wanted was VG dancing with long & multi-clip fingering action, (maybe dildos too) ala the above babe's cards.
Rather than give us that here on VG, Totem created a complete different thing -DeskBabes's.
(now also adding about a mere 10 seconds of fingering on SOME VG cards too)
The action has been segregated:
Dancing, teasing, with light explicit on VG.
Heavy explicit but little/no dancing on DB's.
Different members want different things from this visual erotic experience.
Light watching while doing other things & having community, to watching, having community, & doing the "one hand whoopti dooo", to watching for solo sex alone.
So while not perfect, we now have both.
DB's is coming into it's own with babes doing great sex talk(Jana C, Blue Angel,Maria B,Lauren,Daria) to us while doing nice explicit action & with better editing,less fades, & better direction!
So if Totem does not advertise it to our desire perhaps it's up to us to clue people in to the hot stuff once in awhile here on VG. That's why I started this thread.
Let's face it..I've heard that many members do not use VG as a wank & twirl(ladies) site! So DB's may not hold much interest for them..But if, like me, you are a COMPLETE user of the site (both looking &"Ohhh Baby-WickedyWankityWooo!")then a visit to DB's is a benefit!
Especially if, like me, you like seeing "Our shy VG babes" finally getting it on hot & heavy with most of the erotic action you've longed for that was missing in their VG cards.!
It's amazing to see VG shy Kathy Moore doing sexy deep erotic vocal solo & duo action so creatively & effectively. Same, in varying degrees, for Melisa, Zafira,Kitty Jane,Britney, Tea,Walleria, Wellie, Ashley B,Davon,Arial, Bianca, ***** J, Playful *****, Tina K,Heaven,Eufrat,Lola, Laetitia, Deny, & Many more! Plus the discovery of new babes...Cindy Dollar,Bambi,Daria Glover, etc.
I'm so very grateful that we can play them together with VG cards...Nice to play Melisa dancing & then her fucking & being dildo fucked...for complete erotic action!
So what I'm saying is ...Let's let people know ourselves how good DB's is as a companion to VG!
I like the new proposed changes...I've always felt DB's is for more watching anyway!
So DB's fans let's keep the commenting happening...
I'm going back to Kathy Moore's DB solo card now (WOW!)...
she wants to tell me something and show me something else!!!