Okay, so I'm new here, but I can tell from my browsing that there are many girls who have had implants. And in my opinion, they shouldn't have had them. Fake tits to me look awful, I never ever like them, not even the small gradual ones that give just a bit more shape or pump.
One that really comes to mind is Jana H. I know her's are fake, and have even seen pictures of her when they were real, perky, and natural. This girl is very pretty, very cute, can pull off perfectly the short and long hair styles, and looks just great with a small pair.
What I want to know, is that if there are still any older cards of any girls who got implants, where they DON'T have the implants.
Again, with Jana H., it looks like they're smaller in her Sunny Days card (#58), but I cannot tell and want to make sure first.