Yeah, VG got my internet porn "cherry" 3 years ago & I'm still here! (Longer than some of my real life relationships have been!)VG continues to be my main source of SexyPixelatedBabeage. Even though at times, it's felt like we have to pull and push Totem soooo hard to be what they can truly be in the realm of "horny porn", still there ain't nowhere else, webside, to enjoy FantaSex with such lovely, classy, "appropriately sleazy", darlin' EuroBabes! (the kind who will NEVER show up on my doorstep but, thanks to innovative French Men & Women, abound upon my desktop!)
Like I wrote in a PM to Rex during my first month as a member..."Some of the best solo sex I've had in years!!" A comment he "tastefully" ignored while thanking me for my appreciation! lol
I'm glad to see Totem taking responsibility for being the ONLY source on the web for THIS type of erotic offering & seeking to broaden & deepen it's offerings into the realm of more exotic, erotic, & explicit offerings.(there is NO "want porn go elsewhere" for VG style!)
With only occasional forays into the rest of the online porn world of more explicit offerings by our girls (wanna see my VG fave babes do it all)I keep cumming (back) to the FantaSexLand where Beautiful babes wiggle, prance, pump, & (sometimes) plunge, while looking me in the eye and "asking" me if I want some!!!
Now with a bit of time under my belt, I also have the long standing joy of having a history with the community. A history that allows a memory file of "'remember when" flow balance with the present that, while not being "as then" still parades on as "being now"...
Ok ...sliding into PlasManiaDriftingCommentaryZone...
So I'll exit now!
Thanks fer the ride...looking forward to seeing all the new stuff just announced in "News"(click "news" to see) to the left of here now.
So thanks for it alllllll!