Suzie Q is easily the best pole dancer on VG, and also has a proven track record in major competition. She has been the pole dance world champion and Miss Pole Dance Australia in the past, although she is mostly known in international competition as the perpetual runner up to the legendary Felix Cane.
My favourite Pole dancer in VG though, is Shabba. Although not quite as great as Suzie on the pole, her skill and agility are certainly in the same league and I like Shabba's personality more. I find Shabba the more entertaining of the two, and I'm always impressed when Shabba strips while hanging from the pole (something I've never seen Suzie do).
Recently I've also been impressed with Abigaile Johnson's pole dancing. Like Shabba, she also strips while hanging from the pole. Although she's not world class like Suzie or Shabba, she is certainly a better acrobatic pole dancer than anybody else on VG so far.
Of the non-acrobatic pole dancers on VG, the best four have to be Karina, Chelsea French, Olga Barz, and Jasmine - in that order.