Thanks for your votes,guys.
The poll is still open:)
Sorry to dissapoint you guys,but for those who want Morgane and Viki on DB are weak chances to see them there,because they do only soft I think.Anyway Stanze must know much better.Of course I want to see also Morgane and Viki on DB,but I guess isn`t possible.
I liked very much Nikki Case too.I would add Carmen Gemini,Eufrat,Marta and Ariel also near Nikki Case:)
The purpose of this poll is only to find out if members want or don`t want Morgane and Viki back on VG.
Totem has the final word of course.They will decide IF they will bring back some models and which ones,but I hope this poll will have a small importance in their decision(no matter what it will be).
Thanks again for your votes and continue to vote(for those who not voted yet):)