Zainstaluj iStripper by uzyskać dostęp do ekskluzywnego erotycznego pokazu Sasha Meow.
Pobierz Teraz - za darmo! DIRECTOR (Ethan): "Sasha brought some of her wigs, really realistic ones, and oh my, she is so hot in blonde with this classy sexy harness from Atelier Bordelle. As usual lot of very lascivious moves and great eye contacts."
A standard show with Standing 6, Pole 6 and On TB 6: total 18 clips. No touching/rubbing. Bare feet not in Standing and Pole clips, but in one TB clip. Starting Nude (no “panties”)
two Standing, one Pole and two TB clips.
With the wig Sasha looks even younger. If I hadn’t known it’s a wig, I had believed it were her own blond hair. Normally I don’t buy cards with this kind of outfit. Looking at the
photo’s in the isWorkshop by LukaszR I had to admit that this kinky outfit was of a sophisticated design and suited Sasha. It was a total transition from the bridal suite (e1451/
The Wait Is Over) to this BDSM-woman. All my romantic dreams came to a ***** end. Sop, sop, sop. Here started the cat (meow, meow) and mouse game.
After eight cards everything has been said already. Sacha makes use of the whole stage, has a great variation of dance moves, an unique style and is always checking: “Are you
still there?” For the best description in the best English possible of Sasha’s facial expressions and eye contact, read @pantalone’s comment on “e1451/The Wait Is Over”.
The rating: Standing 5 (art of seduction), Pole 5 (please don’t tease me), Taskbar 5 (mystic eyes), Beauty 5 (face, body) and Outfit 5 (sophisticated BDSM outfit). Total 25/5 = 5 stars.
Sasha is one of the very best performers in 2020. My favorite card was “e1450/Use Your Imagination” because of black hair, colourful outfit and more ribs than in Take 1.
As Song of the Show Them (singer Van Morrison) with "Mystic Eyes": “One Sunday mornin' - A-we went walkin' – Down by, the old graveyard – The mornin' fog – I looked into
A-yeah, those mystic eyes – [Chorus] – Her mystic eyes – Mystic eyes – Mystic eyes – Mystic, eyes – Mystic eyes – Mystic eyes – Oh, the mystic eyes -Ooh…”
And the outfit is interesting – looks like someone got jiggy with the duct tape! And it does influence the ratio of clips – excluding preview we have 4 topless and 11 full nudity.
Sasha is gorgeous and has a lovely body with perky breasts, a great bottom and a lovely full bush. I have got used to the tattoos. Sadly she doesn’t smile much – her look is serious – but when she smiles as in clip 9 it’s lovely. There’s also a nice little flick of the eyebrow in clip 10 as she struggles to undo the bra clasp.
Her movements are invariably slow and slinky although she shows some quite rapid moves on the pole with some good spins – which in pole clip 9 caused the leg strap to come off involuntarily. Definitely feline grace on the table.
She strips the outfit in different sequences, giving variety. In clip 8 and again in 9 and others it is panties first – thank-you Sasha.
As a lover of the “bush” I really like Sasha – most of the bushy girls tend to be a bit on the plumper side; Sasha has a great figure and looks young but has a tremendous bush and a sweet pussy within it.
So – in answer to the age old question, would I – the answer is most definitely yes. Please.
And I’ve even grown to like the blonde wig.
Thank you to Sasha for the fantastic shows and thank you to the istripper team for all the work you put in. Stay awesome <3
6 pole clips, 6 standing, 6 on the table and none behind it. No glass, swing or in-out. 4min full strips in each format, sequential short clips including nude-starts. The boots only come off in the last table clip. 11 full nudity clips, with spreads but no fingers.
There were no technical problems. The costume really needed something to cover her breasts in the early clips, but, more importantly, the show would have been more distinctive with some toys. The blonde hair and soft make-up worked well and I was glad to see that they dusted her eyebrows and bush, to tone down the contrast. Another excellent show from Sasha, delightfully laid back, but it needed something more than a blonde wig to give it a bit more fizz. If she does a take3, I’d like to see more of her dancing in bare feet, more of this show’s intimate warmth and more of the pole work we know she can do.
Her moves and eye contact as still so amazing. She is so confident in her shows. She has a very shapely ass and it has just enough jiggle for her being as skinny as she is. I enjoy watching Sasha a lot.
Bring her back with this wig please!!!
in the free world. We cannot get enough.
I love Sasha Meow!
Tu pourrais néanmoins en faire une peu plus ma belle, pour nous exciter! Avec le physique que tu as on est prèt à monter au 7ème ciel ou mieux encore, à te monter dessus!
Elle est absolument magnifique en blonde et je n'aurais jamais cru qu'elle porte une perruque ici, tellement l'effet "vrais cheveux" est remarquable. La tenue SM est également une excellente idée et nous laisse découvrir dans le détail la pûreté des lignes de Sasha.
Comme à son habitude, elle nous offre un spectacle parfaitement maîtrisé, tout en sensualité, dans des poses très attirantes et on ne se lasse pas de la regarder sous tous les angles.
Bref, Sasha est une pure merveille et si elle pouvait revenir encore un peu chez Totem, ce serait parfait :)
Show qui ravira les amateurs de strip sensuel (malgré sa tenue)