24h are over, but the resolution of the bonus photos of the card f1609 has still the lower resolution!
24h are over, but the resolution of the bonus photos of the card f1609 has still the lower resolution!
It is a Long Holiday Weekend as Monday is a Holiday.
So I wouldn't expect to see it corrected till Wednesday.
Tuesday they are back to work, and then can make the corrections.
So Maybe Later in the day on Tuesday.
I don't know why there's so much fuss.Absolutely!
The girls are just as beautiful in 3000x2000.
You are buying the card ... and these are BONUS images.
Give the @TEAM a break ..
I don't know why there's so much fuss. The girls are just as beautiful in 3000x2000.You are buying the card ... and these are BONUS images.Give the @TEAM a break .. peace😎
It will be corrected at 12.00 pm Paris time, and won't happen with her other shows
Peachy Alice – f1621 – Pussycat Bounce
2004x3003 en mode portrait et 3003x2004 en mode paysage.
For Peachy Alice's card, we have a disclaimer on the card page. The good size will be available by the 3rd of June.
It is a disappointment to have free images?
Jako darmowy użytkownik programu iStripper, nie możesz odpisywać w tematach na forum ani tworzyć nowych tematów.
Masz jednak dostęp do podstawowych kategorii dzięki którym możesz pozostawać w kontakcie ze społecznością !