If you think about it ... deleted clips are 'Not Downloaded' .. so the software is correct.
Are you referring to cards?? (i am not aware of this happening for individual clips)
If I misunderstood , please explain further
If you Disable the cards you want to hide and only filter on 'Enabled', all the cards will still be on your C: drive but you will only see those that are enabled. OR you could simply Hide them and Show them when you want to see them.
there are always other options 😊
You have a fairly large collection so if you truly want to remove them from your C: drive (for space), make sure you don't permanently delete any cards from your collection that have been withdrawn by the model
If you don't already ... I strongly recommend you copy ALL your cards to a backup drive
(it's quicker to restore than re-download from the server).
Then you can decide which files you to keep want on your local C: drive
After creating a backup, delete the cards/files you don't want on your C: drive (using your OS .. not iStripper)
Then filter all the 'Not Downloaded' cards to hide them. On your My Collection page, uncheck [ ]Deleted, [ ]Disabled and [ ]Not Downloaded.. only check [x]Enabled