Didn't see this one listed, so I'll recommend it:
Unbelievable - Diamond Rio
Yeah...it's Country/Western. Even if that isn't your genre, try it once. Upbeat, but I've found that it works for almost all pole dances regardless of the tempo of the dancer. And if you don't get a chuckle from the lyrics they are singing while your model is dancing, you have zero sense of humor. Try it with these 2 cards, and if you aren't hooked by then and start trying it with every pole dance clip you have, you can always delete it.
Sandra H - Sensual Silk card #148 clip #148_68402 You'll swear she was listening to this song while filming the clip. Same with all of her other cards and pole dance clips.
Melisa - Butter Cup card #689 clip #689_4401 Put your seat belt on first.
The darn song just seems to work with almost all model's pole dances regardless of dancer tempo. Works with many of the other In/Out clips also (no pole and over taskbar ones). It's got me going back and watching model's pole dance clips that I thought were "mediocre" in the past.