hello all, have a good day and funrious.
hello rene if you get sometime a blue screen is because your systéme have probléme,
is can several probléme.
the drivers of graphic card,
the drivers of mother card,
the drivers of hardrive additionnel,
probléme mémory,
one hard drive who stop to work,
one too hight overclock,
a bad control of the température of the computer.,
one bad usb connection, ex; in the front of you computer you have usb connectic and sometime the contructor inverse the prise !!!! then bug. that append to my computer,
one fantome connectic if you try to emule the scsi port.
the bios corrupt.
one composant who are out of is socle, that append with the time.
the alimentation.
and surely i forget something !!!!
then when i have one acces disk the computer not anderstand and show me a blue screen.
control the intégrity of you hardrive where you have place the show.