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Dołączył: Jul 2013

1342 post(y/ów)
May 5, 2017 (edited)
Lol yeah I'm gonna have so much fun spamming the forum with a tsunami of massive .gif files...


or am I??? I do enjoy a good spanking 😜 (no seriously I'm just kidding lol...don't throw me in the dungeon...unless you want to have some fun with me hehehe)

but yeah for real I'm just kidding...I may seem "crazy" at times but on the inside I am just a sweet little angel 😈😇 (with a wild imagination @_@)
Dołączył: Jan 2008

1144 post(y/ów)
May 5, 2017
Are we witnessing the birth of a new life form ?

A ***** made of Spam ?
Dołączył: Oct 2010

1191 post(y/ów)
May 5, 2017
Can we have the nudity/no nudity Icons back please, so it is obvious in each thread as to whether or not nudity is allowed. Sometimes it is eay to forget and post something inappropriate.

Perhaps these could possibly be put into the "forum rules" pop up in the "Answer This Topic" pane. At the moment this just appears to be a generic statement, irrespective of the forum.

Dołączył: Jul 2013

1342 post(y/ów)
May 5, 2017 (edited)
Can we please have the abilty to copy and paste links in the GUI or whatever it's called...thanks! 💋

also what @Number6 said...
Dołączył: Jan 2008

1144 post(y/ów)
May 5, 2017
When uploading photos, you get a message letting you know if nude pics are allowed or not.
Dołączył: Oct 2010

1191 post(y/ów)
May 5, 2017 (edited)
When uploading photos, you get a message letting you know if nude pics are allowed or not.

Thanks. I haven't actually tried loading a picture yet so I hadn't seen that.

Please ignore my previous post.
Dołączył: Jul 2013

1342 post(y/ów)
May 5, 2017
Oh durrrh...I just saw that...sorry guess I'm distracted by "Cardiac Arrest" atm 😍
Dołączył: Oct 2010

1191 post(y/ów)
May 5, 2017 (edited)

If you are talking about linking to other posts in another section forum then this does now work in the GUI.

If you click on the down arrow in the post you want to link to (first screenshot) you get a pop up with link (second screenshot)

Press CTL + C on your keyboard - this copies the link. Close the pop up box with the link in it then go to the forum topic you want put the link in and click in the 'Answer This Topic' pane.

Pressing CTL + V on the keyboard will paste the link (third screenshot).

Dołączył: Dec 2007

456 post(y/ów)
May 5, 2017
I've not spent a lot of time looking at the new forum but I REALLY wish last 50 post could be extended to the last 200 post or last 24 hours. I check the forum at most once a day and today the last 50 post goes back about 3 hours and is mostly request for the fan sign drawing,
Dołączył: Jul 2013

1342 post(y/ów)
May 5, 2017 (edited)

No I mean like copy and paste a link from the Youtube for example!
Dołączył: Oct 2011

39 post(y/ów)
May 5, 2017
Dołączył: Dec 2007

1652 post(y/ów)
May 5, 2017
I must be getting old... I'm at 120% on the browser and the writing on the forum is still tiny...
It's grey on white too on the front page, not exactly high impact.

No need to make my eyes worse than they already are...
Dołączył: Apr 2015

395 post(y/ów)
May 5, 2017 (edited)
@Shodan084 Need to upgrade from that CRT :p
Dołączył: Jul 2012

3309 post(y/ów)
May 5, 2017
This is a short list of things that I find problematic with the GUI version of the forum. Most have been mentioned elesewhere by myself or others.

1) For me the text and avatar sizes are too big even on my laptop's own screen. On my larger second screen (which is not a particularly large one) each avatar is about an inch high and the text looks like it is from a large print book. I would much rather be able to see more posts at once than be able to read them from the other side of the room.

2) There is currently no refresh button.

3) Image download no longer seems to work. In previous versions it worked but the downloaded file was put in an inappropriate place, the vghd/bin directory, rather than in the standard downloads directory or, better yet, in a user specifiable directory.

4) Often 50 is too few "last posts", especialy when a fansign contest is underway or when some other thread has receieve a lot of posts when it may only go back two or three hours. Some of us use the 50 last posts as our main way of acessing the forum. It would be nice to be able to go futher back either changing it to something like 200 last posts or by providing a "previous 50" button. It would also be useful to be able to filter out specific threads such as those for fan signs.

5) I would prefer it if the order of the 50 last posts could optionaly be reversed, Currently I often find that I first scroll down the page until I reach a post I have seen previously and then scroll back up to view the posts in chronological order. This is awkward.

6) The little red bell icons indicating that there are new unread posts are very welcome, however I would appreciate being able to clear them via a "mark all as read" option that could be applied for individual threads, at the thread group level, and globaly.

Dołączył: Mar 2009

2276 post(y/ów)
May 5, 2017
Thoughts so far............

Put me in the camp of those not liking the new Featured section, the last posts, last topics & trending topics worked better for me..... would liked to have it extended to last 50 instead of last 30

There may be a bug when addind images to post in the GUI. Tried to add an image to a post and nothing appeared when previewing the post. Had to go to the website to post with the image. Looks like I will be using the website to post for now.

With the new forum, I don't see an settings button for the forum. And all of our posts have disappeared from the My Profile section. At least when you click on the last post of a thread, it works now, that was a major frustration. And please bring back the refresh button.

Also I think that when you look at someone's profile, it should be the same in the GUI & website. I prefer the website version where I can see the cards, knowing the percentage of a certain model's cards a person has is not useful to me, I rather see the cards.
Dołączył: Jul 2016

46 post(y/ów)
May 5, 2017
I like being able to see the date the thread was created, like in the old forum.
Dołączył: Oct 2009

2519 post(y/ów)
May 5, 2017
Regarding individual profile Card counts:
the shows' count is fairly meaningless as an indication of saleability, because during earlier subscription times, models cards were all purchased by random. It does not reflect a members preferences, because cards of models subsequently deleted by a member make no difference to the results shown.
Dołączył: Oct 2010

1191 post(y/ów)
May 5, 2017 (edited)
OK - Download button for pictures is now working but downloads are still going the the VGHD bin directory.

Surely this is a bit dangerous for people who aren't sure of what they are doing. Accidentally moving or deleting any of the other files in that directory could cause problems with iStripper.

In Windows can we please have them download to preferably a location of our own choosing or at least the default 'Downloads' directory otherwise.

Other things downloaded from GUI have a choice of where to save (e.g. Girls Photos and Videos) - why not the Forum Pictures?


Edit @POPEYED CTL + C and CTL + V are working for me with Youtube links.

Dołączył: Oct 2010

39 post(y/ów)
May 5, 2017
Thanks for getting the download button working.
Bugs do happen, that's for sure.
Dołączył: Oct 2015

79 post(y/ów)
May 5, 2017
On my 15" Macbook Pro the font size, avatar size and layout are fine in both GUI and browser. I don't tend to sit too close to the screen (I prefer to keep at least 20" distance).

Can we have the nudity/no nudity Icons back please, so it is obvious in each thread as to whether or not nudity is allowed. Sometimes it is eay to forget and post something inappropriate.

I miss them too.
Dołączył: Jul 2012

3309 post(y/ów)
May 5, 2017
@TokyoGorePolice - My laptop has a 17 inch screen and I view it from a distance of about 22 inches or more, nevertheless for me, if not for you, I find the forum's avatar and text sizes far too large. My long distance sight is poor but at the range of a few feet feet it is still very acute. I print program sources using a 6 point font (and in the past used a 5 point font) rather than the 10 or 12 point font normaly employed and with a typical text editor I will have anything up to 100 lines of text visible at a time on a screen in landscape orientation. I know that my prefered settings would not suit most users, but I really want to be able to see as much of a thread as possible without having to scroll up and down excessively. The option to reduce the sizes used by a factor or two or even three would be most welcome.
Dołączył: Jul 2013

1342 post(y/ów)
May 6, 2017 (edited)
When I go to edit my post to add more pictures it doesn't work...I mean like nothing happens...literally 😶 (guess this is another "bug")

Lol we need a bug smiley...oops the bug smiley doesn't seem to work either (oh the irony 😛)
Dołączył: Dec 2007

1652 post(y/ów)
May 6, 2017
Ok, I've listed the bad. Now for the good...

    I like the bigger print in the threads, makes for easy reading.
    The return of the avatar pictures... I think...
    Page numbers top and bottom. At last.
    The way to post... feels easier somehow...
Dołączył: Jul 2008

4617 post(y/ów)
May 6, 2017
Le nouveau forum est très sympa je trouve. Plus réactif, avec des avatars plus lisibles, les pages visibles en haut et en bas de l'écran, bref tout cela est très bien.
En revanche, pourquoi avoir changé la couleur du texte que nous tapons pour rédiger un post ? Elle est noire maintenant, donc illisible sur des skins à fond sombre ou noir (j'en ai réalisé quelques unes, inutilisables pour le forum). Pourriez-vous créer une valeur dans palette.txt pour modifier cette couleur de texte ?
Merci à l'équipe pour tous les efforts accomplis.
Dołączył: Oct 2010

1249 post(y/ów)
May 6, 2017
@Steffy: Agreed! I've been busy with other stuff so haven't yet looked into this. I changed a skin so I could read what I was typing. It threw me for a little while and I thought nothing was happening as I typed, until I changed the skin. Black on black... Interesting concept.

Again, I prefer to use the website for the forum so not a priority for me.

Still loving this new forum layout, especially on the website. I can find my way around quickly and easily. GREAT JOB @Team 💋
Dołączył: Oct 2010

1249 post(y/ów)
May 6, 2017 (edited)
Editing for uploading pics still doesn't work :(

This needs to be improved, imho. The 'Featured' area of the forum seems to be a little static. I just snapped this screencap and it doesn't really coincide with the 50 Last Posts.

Taken from the website.

Edit: I realise these are all Team created threads but I would prefer that we went back to the most popular threads.

Just askin' :)
Dołączył: Oct 2010

1191 post(y/ów)
May 6, 2017 (edited)
Black on black... Interesting concept.

Sounds like something from Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy:

Zaphod Beeblebrox: It's the weird colour scheme that freaks me. Every time you try to operate one of these weird black controls, which are labeled in black on a black background, a small black light lights up black to let you know you've done it. Hey, what is this, some kind of galactic hyper-hearse?


Also would like to ad my voice to @stefnev1's request for a way of altering the colour, in skins, of the forum "typing" text to another colour.
Dołączył: Aug 2008

454 post(y/ów)
May 6, 2017
After 2 days I have to absolutely agree with @HombreSinSombra.

On the Frontpage the 'Featured' area seems to be very static and useless.

The related topics instead offered an overview and a fast entrance to threads of interest. Using the 50 last posts instead is not the same. Have to go through a lot of uninteresting and time wasting things and from time to time it's overflowed with crap.

Would also like to go back to popular topics.
Dołączył: Oct 2010

1191 post(y/ów)
May 6, 2017 (edited)
As there are now Featured Topics for Fan Signs and Casting would it be possible to actually remove these posts from the 50 last posts i.e. the 50 Last posts would reflect only the posts not covered in the featured threads.

That would make the 50 last posts more usable for those of us who use the last posts as a quick means of seeing if there is anything of interest rather than having to visit/remember individual threads.

Alternatively, I have requested on a few occasions that the 50 Last posts be changed to Last 24 Hours posts. I frequently get home from work and find the 50 Last posts only go back two or three hours because there have been Fan Sign and Casting posts flooding the forums.
Dołączył: Oct 2015

79 post(y/ów)
May 7, 2017
Still getting variations on this message and not redirecting properly when I log into the forums:

{"_r":"JSONASW","_s":true,"_w":{"message":"You are now logged! Redirecting ..."}}

I raised this a while back:
Nie masz uprawnień do przeglądania tego tematu

Brak spełnionych wymagań by wziąć udział w dyskusji.

Jako darmowy użytkownik programu iStripper, nie możesz odpisywać w tematach na forum ani tworzyć nowych tematów.
Masz jednak dostęp do podstawowych kategorii dzięki którym możesz pozostawać w kontakcie ze społecznością !