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Discussions for Scenes for Version 1.2.X Fullscreen Mode here

  Forum / Wszystko o iStripper

Dołączył: Apr 2020

219 post(y/ów)
August 23, 2020
@Grabandt !!!! bahahahaha the nose knows all, buried inside one is another story 😂
Dołączył: Apr 2008

314 post(y/ów)
August 23, 2020

That "Lush Motel" scene I made struggles to play big time. Looks amazing but too much!

Not for me! I removed one of the clips so now it's just the pole and the bed, and it plays great! 😀😀😀😀
(Lush is one of my favorite scenes.)

Dołączył: Apr 2020

219 post(y/ów)
August 23, 2020
Thankyou 😉, that scene had so many layer / order lessons in it, was invaluable lessons at the time when I made it, ***** my brain hahaha. Yeah just cut out the ones you dont want. It was early scene making days for me but should've made a couple of different variants ( 1, 2, 3 girls) ...but, eh
Dołączył: Mar 2008

4051 post(y/ów)
August 23, 2020
This is off topic, but I'll Answer it...
You can Update you cards to a higher resolution, all at once, or in small Batches.
I recommend, doing them in Small Batches. 10 or 20 at a time.

Start with your collection disabled.
after you select them. Enable them, so you know which have already been updated.

Then use the Resolution drop down to select the new Resolution.

I've prepared this demo on my laptop.
I didn't click YES because I don't want to update my Resolution on my Lap top..

But I think you can follow along and get the Idea,

demo video

To Use CTRL-A to Select ALL
click in the Blank space between the cards first, then tap CTRL-A
Dołączył: Apr 2008

314 post(y/ów)
August 23, 2020

Huh. I'll be damned. I had no idea you could do that.
Dołączył: Apr 2008

314 post(y/ów)
August 23, 2020
That 6-clip (with 3 shadows) scene I built today came up randomly and my memory usage shot up to 1GB! haha Then, after it switched to another scene that I made that only has one clip, it dropped to 170MB. So, yeah. More clips = more resource usage. Makes sense. 😊

But in that 6-clip scene, I see an error that I have seen in some of my other scenes:

libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile

I have no idea how to fix this. I use GIMP to edit my backgrounds, but it doesn't happen with all of my scenes. I'm wondering if it has to do with the source photos that I acquire from the Internet? Anyone know about this?
Dołączył: Apr 2008

314 post(y/ów)
August 23, 2020
Now I do have an idea how to fix this, thanks to DuckDuckGo and Stack Overflow. Posting it here for me to find later and for other to maybe find useful:
Dołączył: Jul 2012

3309 post(y/ów)
August 23, 2020

I don't know what the "Unknown palette role" warning is about, but as they occur when the program is started(as indicated by the preceding New Session message) I would guess that they are is due to an error a skin description. At most these may result in something not be coloured quite how it was intended.

The "Known incorrect sRFB profiles" warnings occur when the program (in particular part of the QT toolkit it is built on) encounters a jpeg or png image that it thinks has something wrong with it - however it manages to overcome the problem so it is not a problem.

I have no idea about the meaning of the "No I&D device found warning".

The bunch of messages tagged with "Scene::dumpOpenGL" seem simply to be informational messages regarding the GPU. The only thing odd is that they are flagged as warnings rather than simple informational messages. They certainly do not represent anything that needs to be warned about.

The "Unknown node property" messages relate to genuine errors in the .scn file. In this case it looks like a type: and three ambient: clauses have been used in places where they are not valid. Some errors like this occur due to using features that were valid in a very old version of the software and the scenes have not been updated to get rid of the old features. But I don't think that is the case here, it looks more like a simple attempt to set a property for a node that does not support that property. I am pretty certain that the software just logs the message and then simply ignores the attempt to set the property. This is probably done in the QT toolkit rather than in Totem's own software, though Totem's software may well be ignoring an error indicator returned by that toolkit (but there is not much they could do anyway other than perhaps give a more visible indicator that a problem had been encountered).

The "Decode overflow" errors mean that it is taking slightly too long to fully render the scene - i.e. your system is not quite powerful enough to render the scene at the nominal frame rate. This can be improved by simplifying the scene or reducing the size of the animated items in it - i.e. giving your system less work to do.

Dołączył: Aug 2017

1166 post(y/ów)
August 23, 2020
The msharp shader shouldn't be that taxing, it uses about 5% of my gpu, and when shaders overtax the gpu you just get slow framerate. So if it's not working at all it's something else. What gpu are you using?
Dołączył: Aug 2017

1166 post(y/ów)
August 23, 2020
Dołączył: Apr 2008

314 post(y/ów)
August 23, 2020
The msharp shader shouldn't be that taxing, it uses about 5% of my gpu, and when shaders overtax the gpu you just get slow framerate. So if it's not working at all it's something else. What gpu are you using?

Slow framerate is exactly what I'm getting. Slow enough to be unusable. The GPU is NVIDIA Quadro NVS 295. It's pretty old, to understate a bit.
Dołączył: Aug 2017

1166 post(y/ów)
August 23, 2020
Ahh, in that case you need a lower resolution version... brb
Dołączył: Aug 2017

1166 post(y/ów)
Dołączył: Aug 2017

1166 post(y/ów)
August 23, 2020
@grabandt err... grafikkarten
Dołączył: Jul 2012

3309 post(y/ów)
August 23, 2020 (edited)
I have no idea how to fix this. I use GIMP to edit my backgrounds, but it doesn't happen with all of my scenes. I'm wondering if it has to do with the source photos that I acquire from the Internet? Anyone know about this?

I am not sure but I think that the problem is, as you surmise, due to the source photos. I am sure that there will be some way to fix it up using GIMP, this might be an option when you export to .png or .jpeg - or failing that create a new blank image and paste the old one into it. But other than cluttering up the log I don't think that there are any ill effects.

As far as the stream of frame overflow messages are concerned I can't remember if these used to occur before the recent change to using QT5. As long as the the overflows are not too large there is not much of a problem, things jut run slightly slowly. However, I have had experiences at work where if a simulation overran its allotted time step it would log a message which was normally no big problem - but in some pathalogical cases the act of logging a message was just enough to mean that the next time step would also overflow and this could continue for a considerable time (this was really a bug in the simulator infrastructure, but it took quite some time to persuade he implementors that this was the case). I wonder if the same may be true here - though I think there would be even more frame overflow errors if it was.
Dołączył: Aug 2017

1166 post(y/ów)
August 23, 2020
I was getting some decode overflow messages in the older versions, i reported it some time ago.
Dołączył: Aug 2017

1166 post(y/ów)
August 23, 2020
That should not have a problem at all running this scene (as fas as gpu power is concerned). Will use little bit more than mine (5700xt gold) which is using ~5% more than on the desktop.
Dołączył: Apr 2008

314 post(y/ów)
August 23, 2020
@Z22 Thank you, I'll give the 1080p version a try
Dołączył: Apr 2008

314 post(y/ów)
August 24, 2020
I spent some time digging into the error log with my IBTC scene today.

    decode overflow

There are tons of these, but they are just warnings. I don't notice any peformance problems in spite of a high RAM load. Most of them are very small: from 0 - 3 ms and, interestingly, mostly at frame -1, 0, or 1. So, right at the start of a clip, perhaps?

Curiously, I am experiencing performance problems on this PC right now and text that I type is being delayed appearing on screen. But it isn't my 6-clip and 3-shadow IBTC scene that is playing--it is the standard "Paint" scene that comes with iStripper and only has a single clip. My GPU really doesn't like motion backgrounds, it would seem. CPU usage (by vghd.exe) is only 9% and RAM is a paltry 300MB.

I just told iStripper to find a different scene. It chose The Penthouse Club and now I can type in real time again. 😊 I am banning Paint now.

    incorrect sRGB profile

Also just a warning. I had 7 of these each time the scene ran. This matches the 7 .png files that make up the scene: the background and 6 masks, each made from duplicates of the background image.

I opened each of them in GIMP and converted the sRGB profiles to GIMP's built-in profile. That did eliminate the warnings from the log. I will make sure to take this step with scenes that I create in the future, just as a best practice, but i don't see the need to revise my current scenes to replace the color profile. It doesn't seem to be causing any trouble. The Internet and @TheEmu agree that it can be ignored.

    Unknown node property "ambient"
    Unknown node property "rotation"

These are just weird. The only place in this scene where the "ambient" property appears is the "light" node, and I know that's valid. "Rotation" spelled as the whole word, doesn't appear at all. I have used "rot" in clipSprites and I know that's valid, too.

i did a search to verify that "rot" isn't being used out of place anywhere, and it isn't. Also verifired that I didn't accidentally type "rotation" anywhere. That word does not exist in the file.
Dołączył: Apr 2020

219 post(y/ów)
August 24, 2020 (edited)
Interesting observations @sh42n81

Last night I cleaned all the scenes in my collection and took all of them out of iStripper, then put them back in one at a time.
Funny result was that even just starting iStripper it had the RGB error codes. Those arent anything major and wont effect the performance but is interesting just starting the program it has these errors.

Then, I found that when iStripper goes to the "fullscreen preview" page it actually reads everything in your collection and will pick up any error it can find in any of your scenes in your collection!

I had "Rotation" and "Ambient" errors individually in 3 scenes (took a lot of looking to find lol) So repaired them and now I have no rotation or ambient errors at all.

I dont think its worth trying to find all the errors if the scenes work, but if it effects performance its worth investigating each file individually, one bad scene has impacts on the others.

Another interesting find was if the sprite has a definition ie: allow: pole - and then has a long list of "deny" under it, the system takes longer to find the correct / appropriate show.
I modified all my 127 scenes so that if it is allowing pole for example, I deleted all the denies under it (table, behindtable, top etc). All my scenes now go faster!
It makes sense though, it means the system is just finding pole clips only, and not trying to further clarify beyond pole what other elements it needs to deny. Noticably much faster 😉
Dołączył: Jul 2012

3309 post(y/ów)
August 24, 2020
I have a very convenient file search utility called Agent Ransack (also known as Filelocator Pro) to search for the string "rotation:" in all the scenes that I have installed (more that 6000 at present). It was found in the following files (I use my own file naming scheme but you should be able to recognise the originals)

= Carstrip = Club Main Table Pole 3 Girls.scn
= Carstrip = Club Main Table Standing 3 Girls.scn
= Carstrip = Lush Motel Brazil.scn
= Carstrip = Pink Neon 3 Pole Dancing.scn
= Carstrip = Pink Neon 3 Standing.scn
= Carstrip = Pink Neon Red Room Pole.scn
= Carstrip = Pink Neon Red Room Standing.scn
= Carstrip = Pink Neon Stage Pole.scn
= Carstrip = Pink Neon Stage Standing.scn

= Kaandorpius = Club Delights - Dance Floor.scn
= Kaandorpius = Club Delights - Pole Dancing.scn
= Kaandorpius = Club Delights - Private Show.scn

It looks very much as if one slip has been inherited by several derived scenes.
Dołączył: Apr 2020

219 post(y/ów)
August 24, 2020
Yup It was definitely me copying the file from Club Delights, the issue that I inherited hahaha
Sorry about that everyone 😖
Thats a great utility to have @TheEmu thanks for sharing that info.

I'm still absorbing the fact that you have over 6000 scenes!! thats incredible!!
Dołączył: Jul 2012

3309 post(y/ów)
August 24, 2020
Then, I found that when iStripper goes to the "fullscreen preview" page it actually reads everything in your collection and will pick up any error it can find in any of your scenes in your collection!

That is correct. Also when you simply start iStripper I think that it automatically regenerates a preview of a single scene chosen at random - you can see this from the date stamps for the .scn.cache files. This could be the source of some of the sRGB warnings that do not correspond to any scene that you have played.

Another interesting find was if the sprite has a definition ie: allow: pole - and then has a long list of "deny" under it, the system takes longer to find the correct / appropriate show.

I had never noticed that myself, though I probably have been ***** from it. Whenever possible I normally just use Allow: clause to specify what types of clips I want to see and then add Deny: clauses to disallow inout or accessories if they are not appropriate to the scene, Unfortunately the is no Allow: Standing so you have to use the long list of clip types to deny if you only want simple standing clips.
Dołączył: Jul 2012

3309 post(y/ów)
August 24, 2020 (edited)
I'm still absorbing the fact that you have over 6000 scenes!! thats incredible!!

A large part of that total is due to having many ***** variations of a single scenes, mostly variations in the values in the uniform: clauses that are used to pass parameters to shaders. This is particularly so for my "experiments" and EmuLib scenes where I am trying out or demonstrating the effects that can be acheived by these shaders.
Dołączył: Aug 2018

1013 post(y/ów)
August 24, 2020 (edited)
I have a very convenient file search utility called Agent Ransack (also known as Filelocator Pro) to search for the string "rotation:"
I'm using the very very convenient GNU Core Util called sed

Navigate with your GUI Filemanager (should be Nautilus) or with cd in your Terminal in your specific Directory,
and execute the following Command.
sed -i -e 's/rotation/rot/g' *.scn
The first Value rotation is what sed should looking for, the second for the replacement.
If no Error Message shown in the Terminal, it's all good 👍
No Need for a Fat GUI, That's it, God i Love Linux ❤️ Sorry @TheEmu but Love is Love 😇

And here is a useful Link >

Just in case you want a Demonstration for Filelocator Pro :)
Dołączył: Jul 2012

3309 post(y/ów)
August 24, 2020 (edited)
@Stanston - As with our previous discussion on a similar topic these are not similar tools. They can both be used to do similar tasks, in this case to look for a simple string, but that does not make them similar tools. If I had wanted to I could also have used the windows Find or Findstr command line utilities - and i often do when that is appropriate - which are far more similar to that particular use of sed. Findstr is the windows equivalent to grep. However, a tool like Agent Ransack is far more convenient for typical computer users.
Dołączył: Aug 2018

1013 post(y/ów)
August 24, 2020 (edited)
As with our previous discussion on a similar topic these are not similar tools.
I just wanted to Help, because @sh42n81 is using Ubuntu/Linux nothing more, nothing less 😉
What is wrong about it, to share Knowledge and showing his Love ?
Give also the younger Generation a Chance 😇
Dołączył: Jul 2012

3309 post(y/ów)
August 24, 2020 (edited)
Nothing wrong with sharing knowlege - but to suggest that sed is a, in your words, "very very convenient" utility is, I think, rather stretching the meaning of convenient. It is very powerful, but like almost all unix/linux/Gnu utilities it is not very convenient for the majority of today's computer users who, unfortunately, are typically not very familar with command line utilities.

Many years ago, before graphical interfaces became the norm, when almost all computer users were familar with using the command line (because for most that is all they had) a relatively common saying was that "the unix user interface is as user friendy as a cornered rat".

(Incidently, your command would have found a lot of false matches, almost 300 of them, among my scenes - the word rotation by itself occurs in quite a few comments in scene files.)
Dołączył: Aug 2018

1013 post(y/ów)
August 24, 2020
Feel free whatever you want to do 😉
(Incidently, your command would have found a lot of false matches, almost 300 of them,
among my scenes - the word rotation by itself occurs in quite a few comments in scene files.)
It was only 1 (in words One) example, which i was Showing. The rest can be taken from the Documentation.
And i'm to 100% Sure that @sh42n81 is be able to Deal with this Situation, No Question about that.

And yes, you should give the younger Generation a Chance.

Dołączył: Apr 2008

314 post(y/ów)
August 24, 2020
I found that when iStripper goes to the "fullscreen preview" page it actually reads everything in your collection and will pick up any error it can find in any of your scenes in your collection!

Oh, wow. That makes sense, but I hadn't considered that.

if the sprite has a definition ie: allow: pole - and then has a long list of "deny" under it, the system takes longer to find the correct / appropriate show

Also had not considered that. Good catch. I try to avoid redundancy with my filtering statements whenever possible.

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