Discussions for Scenes for Version 1.2.X Fullscreen Mode here

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Dołączył: Aug 2017

1241 post(y/ów)
March 28, 2023
Thanks @EverthangForever.

ET- FractalGarden947 does not compile. There is a beige background.

Merci @EverthangForever.

ET- FractalGarden947 ne compile pas. Il y a un fond beige.

Dołączył: Oct 2009

2432 post(y/ów)
March 28, 2023 (edited)
Toutes mes excuses et remerciements @ComteDracula - J'avais omis un shader
FG947 est maintenant complet dans le zip

Apologies & thanks @ComteDracula - I had ommitted a shader
FG947 is now complete in the same zip

Dołączył: Nov 2020

1141 post(y/ów)
April 2, 2023

Works great. Keep 'em coming. 😎
Dołączył: Nov 2020

1141 post(y/ów)
April 5, 2023 (edited)

FG959 shows a beige screen for me.
Dołączył: Aug 2017

1241 post(y/ów)
April 5, 2023

FG959 shows a beige screen for me.

For me as well.

Thanks @EverthangForever.

Pour moi également.

Merci @EverthangForever.
Dołączył: Oct 2009

2432 post(y/ów)
April 5, 2023 (edited)
@Socialhazard & @ComteDracula .. my apologies again.
Thank you gentlemen. FG959 is all fixed in the zip now
@Socialhazard & @ComteDracula.. Encore une fois, je m'excuse.
Merci, messieurs. FG959 est tout corrigé dans le zip maintenant

Dołączył: Nov 2020

1141 post(y/ów)
April 6, 2023

No problem and thanks for your hard work. 👍 😎
Dołączył: Aug 2017

1241 post(y/ów)
April 6, 2023
Thank you so much @EverthangForever. It's very much appreciated. 👍

Merci beaucoup @EverthangForever. C'est très apprécié. 👍
Dołączył: Aug 2017

1241 post(y/ów)
April 13, 2023
Thank you so much @EverthangForever.

Everything is working fine for me. 😊

Merci beaucoup @EverthangForever.

Tout fonctionne bien pour moi. 😊
Dołączył: Oct 2009

2432 post(y/ów)
April 13, 2023
C'est bon de savoir que cela fonctionne pour vous. Merci @ComteDracula
Good to know it works for you. Thank you @ComteDracula
Dołączył: Nov 2020

1141 post(y/ów)
April 19, 2023

Works perfectly. Thanks. 😎
Dołączył: Oct 2009

2432 post(y/ów)
April 19, 2023
No worries..thnx @Socialhazard 👍
Dołączył: Aug 2017

1241 post(y/ów)
April 19, 2023 (edited)
Thank you so much @EverthangForever. Everything is perfect for me. Great job. The "iStripper" experience would not be the same, without your artistic input. 😊.

Merci beaucoup @EverthangForever. Tout est parfait pour moi. Excellent travail. L'expérience "iStripper" ne serait pas pareil, sans votre contribution artistique. 😊.
Dołączył: Oct 2009

2432 post(y/ów)
April 19, 2023 (edited)
Thanks a lot @ComteDracula & @Socialhazard. I'm glad the scenes all compile ok 👍
Merci beaucoup @ComteDracula et @Socialhazard. Je suis content que les scènes se compilent toutes bien😊
Dołączył: Oct 2009

2432 post(y/ów)
Dołączył: Aug 2017

1241 post(y/ów)
April 24, 2023
Thanks for these last scenes @EverthangForever. Everything is working properly. 😊

Merci pour ces dernières scènes @EverthangForever. Tout fonctionne correctement. 😊
Dołączył: Oct 2009

2432 post(y/ów)
April 24, 2023
Merci @ComteDracula pour vos précieux commentaires
Thank you @ComteDracula for your valuable feedback
Dołączył: Nov 2020

1141 post(y/ów)
April 25, 2023 (edited)

Looks great, especially A000 (Rain the Matrix) 👍 😄 😎
Dołączył: Oct 2009

2432 post(y/ów)
April 25, 2023
@Socialhazard thanks lots . Yes, & with 'Mara Blake's - Cum Into The Matrix'
this week, - just couldn't resist 😋
Dołączył: Nov 2020

1141 post(y/ów)
April 25, 2023
I know right! 😎
Dołączył: Oct 2009

2432 post(y/ów)
May 1, 2023 (edited)
Here is a new thread; important for peeps who are just starting out &
feeling their way for the first time with fullscreen. It is commented
by the illustrious pioneers of iSFullscreen, @TheEmu and @Wyldanimal.
Voici un excellent fil conducteur; important pour les peeps qui débutent,
tâtons leur chemin pour la première fois en plein écran. Il est commenté
par les illustres pionniers d'iSFullscreen, @TheEmu et @Wyldanimal.
Kącik nowego użytkownika / Pairing selected model with selected scene
I need to know how to pair my selected model with my selected scene. I want my models to dance in the "Bare Elegance" scene; but I can't find how to make that happen. If I choose my model first, then...
Dołączył: May 2022

314 post(y/ów)
May 2, 2023

This set seems to have some clips that are both behindtable and fronttable. If I want to just show solely behindtable in my scn file I tried using the code:

clip {
id: BackGirl
deny: fronttable
allow: table

...but it doesn't stop these dual table types showing.

Is this a fault with the flagging of the scenes or my code ?

Dołączył: Mar 2008

3832 post(y/ów)
May 2, 2023
Table = both types of table clips
So allow table allows both.
Dołączył: May 2022

314 post(y/ów)
May 2, 2023
clip {
id: BackGirl
deny: fronttable
allow: behindtable

Doesn't work either. ....
Dołączył: Nov 2020

1141 post(y/ów)
May 2, 2023
I think it's just:

clip {
id: BackGirl
allow: behindtable

Smith2 's Ambassade as a similar thing.

Dołączył: Jul 2012

3309 post(y/ów)
May 2, 2023 (edited)

All you should need is

clip {
id: BackGirl
allow: behindtable

and I have several scenes using exactly that, but what you had in your second post ought to have worked. The first version was equivalent to

clip {
id: BackGirl
deny: fronttable
allow: behindtable, fronttable

which is ambiguous and I don't know whether the allow or the deny would "win".

Brak spełnionych wymagań by wziąć udział w dyskusji.

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