Hi, ok, now that I have had time to gather allot of cards (95 for me thats allot as I have a slow download) I want to post about the women avalible here that I have seen..
Jana H - she has a strange white spot above her ass crack, but I love this girl, I hope she does some deskbabes stuff
Abigail Johnson - one of the hottest girls on the site hands down, her afternoon snack set is hands down one of the best cards on the site.. all of her sets are awsome
Suzie q - I love this girls energy, unlike some girls that seem to do what they were paid for, this girl seems to love what she does.. oh and shes awsome on the pole..
(PS.. is it me or does the pole that they play on seem a tad lose lol)
Ariel - hot red head, but I think she should shave that black patch of hair down there as it messess up the red head illusion lol, but she also is clearly happy about what she does.
Kami - I love this girl cause she is so dame hot, and spunky, as above, its nice to see girls that make these cards actually enjoy themselves :)
Angle Kiss - I onlyhave one of her sets but will be getting more, a very cute girl
Silvie - I like her cause she looks like Kristen Stewart
Ashley Bulgari - Very unique looking girl and very hot, I only have one card from her but that will change soon
Morgane - Very sexy girl, one of the best here
Carmen Gemini - A very hot girl, hot in every way
Laura - I really like this girl but havent put my finger on why she drives me crazy just yet lol
anyway, those are the girls that stand out to me at this time, but granted, I have not seen them all yet either.