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Overrated Cards (or girls?)!

  Forum / Wszystko o iStripper

Dołączył: Oct 2010

71 post(y/ów)
November 28, 2010
Looking to card rating and relative posts it seems like many cards are overrated.
I invite users to post here comments and opinions as regard.
It could be interesting to understand the reason behind that......

Do you think cards are overrated?

76 głos(y/ów)

Dołączył: Jul 2009

254 post(y/ów)
November 28, 2010 (edited)
I think, I considerably assist overrating cards. :-)

I can't give low points for the girls. I like them all, so I love to appreciate their beauty, wonderful body or their enthusiasm, dancing ability, a coquettish smile, a seductive wink or simply the fact that they always try to please and amuse me. Every girl is special in her own way, so I never give lower rate than 8, but usually 9 or 10.

So my vote is No...
Dołączył: Nov 2008

768 post(y/ów)
November 28, 2010
I think a lot of cards are overrated because too many people just automatically give a card 10 based on the girls looks or to express how happy they are with the product overall, without really considering the individual performance.

I very seldom give ratings lower than 7 or 8 myself (except for duo cards which I really don't like much), but I have my own semi-quantitative scoring system which I think reflects my views on each card very well, with a balance between looks and performance.

I know very few people would want to go into that kind of detail, but I do wish people would actually watch and consider all aspects of the performance (i.e. task-bar, pole dancing, and standing striptease) as well as the girls looks, before rating a card based on an initial knee-jerk reaction.
Dołączył: Nov 2008

9 post(y/ów)
November 28, 2010
My vote is Yes. A 10 rated show must be a professional pole dancer, with the greatest of bodys and the greatest of outfits.
Thats why I think the actual vote mode is innacurated. If your horny you will point her a 9 or a 10. Because of that, I was thinking in a new accurated vote. For example:
  • Girl (Everything about the show, her performance). 0 to 10
  • Outfit (Everything about the outfit and the scenary). 0 to 10
  • Quality (Quality from video, duration and structure of clips, etc) 0 to 10

  • Girl: 8
  • Outift: 5
  • Quality: 9

So your final accurated vote is 7.33 and not the 8 that normally you will put in this actual mode.
  • If some moderator likes the idea, make a Poll.
Dołączył: Apr 2008

466 post(y/ów)
November 28, 2010
Yes. I think a lot of the girls are overrated because every time a new girl appears, and no matter what, the same user will say "best girl ever", "new #1" each and every time, it never fails. If the users were as picky as me, they wouldn't be saying "wow best girl ever" every time a new face pops out. I look for majority votes en masse, how it goes well the the general populous of VG users and make my assesment from there.
Dołączył: May 2009

1536 post(y/ów)
November 28, 2010
Well, i don't think that there are overrated girls or shows. Actually, a lot were underrated when the ratings were open to non cards owners. Some still are, but the ratings are more accurate now.

Just a fistful of this girls are dancers or pole dancers and they are so scarce and more like special guests here that in my view it is inaccurate to use them as the measure for all the girls. Those dancers and pole dancers are also among the less explicit ones. In the same spirit, should the girls that are the most explicit be considered the measure for all?

Considering that most of this girls are not dancers, but glamour and porn models, an enthusiastic performance with the pole and the dancing is enough to give them a high rate in that aspect. If the girls are not shy and are sexy, even if not level 5 of explicitness, they are also bounded for a high rating.

I would consider a card overrated if, for instance, knowing that a girl can perform the acrobatic pole dancing, she just dance a little like the rest. The same can be said about those hardcore porn girls that end up doing shy, barely explicit exhibitions. If those cards are rated high just for the looks, then i would say they are overrated.

Then again, the "reality" is constructed upon many subjective opinions that conform a consensus about something. So, the ratings are reliable to reflect the general opinion, good or bad.

Those who like everything have no taste, but those who are overly critic are delusional.

I say rate and let rate. ;)
Dołączył: Apr 2010

43 post(y/ów)
November 28, 2010 (edited)
This is a recurring topic on VG and it's looks some people treat the ratings seriously. My advice to you is DON'T. If you treat them like a bit of fun then you won't be disappointed when you buy a card rated 9 and you don't like it.

The fact is that everyone has their own opinions on what makes a good show: you've already got a sample in the replies on this thread ranging from the purely emotional to the pseudo-analytical. The fact is that these are all just individual opinions based on each member's own rating scale and each is as valid as any other. Yes, you do see ratings appear as soon as a card is released; before anyone could possibly have downloaded and watched the show. But whoever put that rating up has paid his money and has just as much right to express an opinion as anyone else.

Not long ago any member could rate any card but the decision was taken (with quite strong overall support from the members) to only allow those who purchased a card to rate the shows. Unsurprisingly the ratings went up even higher: after all who's going to spend money on a card and then say it's rubbish? This has led to the situation where you have comments like: 'worst show ever!!! 6/10'. In that member's mind the worst show rates 6/10. In my opinion it would rate 1/10. And that's OK: we all have our own way of enjoying the girls.

What might be helpful is to know how many ratings the overall number includes: that would give a clearer picture of the most popular cards. It's a feature available on a few sites, but it's pretty sensitive information and I don't suppose Totem will be publishing those figures anytime soon.

Certainly when a card is new you can make a good estimate as radically changing your own rating actually changes the overall score. For example, I recently bought Kitty Jane's solo card on Deskbabes. Before I added a rating the mark was 9.59. If I rated the show 10, the overall mark rose to 9.60. If I rated the show 0, the overall mark fell to 9.48. With that information a bit of simple algebra shows that around 85 people had rated the card before me. Of course the problem with that is that you have to actually own the card before you can do that calculation!

It's in Totem's interest to make the ratings as high as possible because some people DO use them when considering new purchases, but the reality is that a number isn't going to tell you whether you'll like the card or not. Similarly the comments are not very useful: everyone has their own opinions. Several members have their own sites reviewing cards and the same warnings apply: each one is an individual's view. If it looks like you have the same general tastes as the reviewer then those might be helpful, but you need to dive in and read a good sample of that website's reviews to see if you and the reviewer are on the same wavelength.

In the end the only rating that matters is your own. Sure you'll probably end up regretting some of your choices, but hopefully not many and it'll be a lot of fun finding out who the good performers really are. Good hunting!
Dołączył: May 2009

1536 post(y/ów)
November 28, 2010 (edited)
Guess yours also enters in the category of pseudo-analitycal? Or is just wordy numebers speculation?
Dołączył: Nov 2008

768 post(y/ów)
November 28, 2010 (edited)
@Oquijan - I don't think whether girls are pole dancers or explicit or whatever is the issue here. Whether people give more weight to a girl being explicit, or fun or a good dancer or whatever is a matter of personal taste. As long as those personal tastes are used to rate the whole show, rather than just how a girl looks in her pictures, it's fine by me.

Yes there has been an improvement since rating was restricted to card owners only, but I think too many people still rate a card based on the pic set, or even just a first impression of the card pic, rather than watching the actual desktop show first. Hence the fact that almost all new cards these days tend to immediately get very high ratings.

Most users wouldn't buy a card if they didn't like the look of the girl in the first place, so they give it a 10 based on the pics alone, or even on the strength of past shows, without actually watching the show they are rating. Well that's my theory anyway.
Dołączył: May 2009

1536 post(y/ów)
November 28, 2010
Yup, Space, i agree. But also a high rate based just in the looks tend to descend once the enthusiasm for the novelty is gone. Maybe those who gave a 10 just for the pic change their minds after watching the shows and change their rates? Dunno.

On the other hand, ever since the new video quality was implemented, the shows look a lot better. They hired a coach to improve the dancing and they are no longer fading in the explicit moments. The girls are almost all pretty and pleasant to look at. So maybe the ratings are reflecting a general improvement in the overall quality of this product? If the overall quality is good, the ratings should reflect that too i would say.
Dołączył: Dec 2007

1325 post(y/ów)
November 29, 2010 (edited)
For me ratings are far less important than comments on cards and these, alas, are FAR too brief and NOT NEARLY INCLUSIVELY DESCRIPTIVE ENOUGH!!! There are a few of us who take the time to give a description of the action of the card and almost none who describe the all important erotic/explicit content of each card! I fully acknowledge that everyone is free to express themselves as they desire & would never want to limit anyone in any way. Still, comments like "she's hot" nice tits" etc. when that's all there is, have no effect on whether I buy a card or not.
In times past I've had a free buyin', collector's attitude toward the babes here.Now with tighter economic times I'm going to start limiting my buys and so I depend on the commenting of you guys to let me know what's in the card for erotic action especially!
These girls are all lovely, the shows they put on are mostly good enough to present their beauty in, at least, somewhat of a sexy way. So rating the shows DOESN'T MEAN MUCH UNLESS IT IS BACKED UP BY CLEAR & DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS!
I'm for a COMPLETE response to the babes here on VG all aspects of presentation described.
Be honest. If you're here for the erotic explicitness of the babes either on an occasional or "monkey in the zoo" level of"active" watching...then describe what is explicit in each card so that the rest of us can know of THAT LEVEL before hand too(Ha! Apparently a pun intended!).Describe their movement style, how it relates to erotic aspects, looks, etc.
I too, am one who rates high...I like most all the girls...BUT if you want to know how I feel about the my comments!
I do think that we should wait for a bit before we rate the cards.Too often we rate upon buying and there is a whole lot of "Whoopee" involved in our appreciation. I'm guilty of this myself...and hope to take it slower in future. Maybe watch them for awhile, take the girls out for a wank or three, THEN rate 'em.
But be creative, be classy, but COMMENT, COMMENT, COMMENT in depth!
For ratings I would like to see a split level-One for model-one for show-(costume is included in show)but I don't know how well that can be done for Totem's ease.
Be creative, be complete, be open,be helpful, BE HONEST!
Dołączył: Sep 2007

520 post(y/ów)
November 29, 2010
While I also feel that in general terms the cards are being over rated, that is my personal view which is very subjective and roughtly based around a bell curve.

Having said that, without any stringent criteria, then people's views can only be subjective and to try and bring in stringent criteria would only bring in sreams of protests, when one criteria is weighed aganst another lile explictness versus pol dancing ability.

Looking at the comments is to be encouraged, so long as people don't get into the derogatory situation we were in a year or so ago, where some memmers need to be counselled about their writtings, both good and bad.

Good luck on resolviong this long standing debate :)
Dołączył: Oct 2010

71 post(y/ów)
November 29, 2010
Guess there are many factors leading to overrating cards.... some others leading to underrating cards.

I suppose we should rate cards, that to say the overal performance, but indeed we often rate the girl. Members have own favourite or some favourite models and as a fan, members have a natural tendecy to support "own" models. That's not bad, that's not wrong but it's indeed second nature: anyway it's an aspect to consider.

Card rating should be based over the overall, average performance: that to say over all the clips that made a single card.
Unfortunately it is not till possible to play the full sequence of clips, so member's rating may be based just over some clips.
Some clips are very impressive and consequently lead to an high rating even if on the average the card is not so high indeed.

Some members suggested we should locate few factors and always consider them when rating cards. Example: Girl, Outift, Video Quality, Dancing Ability,.....
I ***** some of these factors are not absolute ones and they will always be influenced by members' own preferences...... As an example some members will be in love for a girl while other will dislike her. As soon as I do not apreciate a girl, my rating of her performance will never will be high, no matter how talented and performing she'll be in her dancing.
The dancing ability itself is not rated according to same criteria by all members.... Assuming I'm a fanatic of tits shaking, if the model is a slow dancer with perfect, firm, small natural tits.... then, I guess my rating will be low!!!!!!!

Overrating is most of times produced by moods and feelings not by a critical examination of a clip.
I assume an high score (10/10 or 9/10) just means: damn, that girl is hot; I love her!

Underrating is the over side of the coin......
Underrating means disappointment!!!!!
I gave very low ratings to few cards because my EXPECTATIONS with a card were COMPLETELY DISAPPOINTED.........
Few cards looks very bad because the girl is not enjoying her performance at all!
Honestly, I think the model must not be charged for such a bad result; artistic and scene directors are supposed to be behind any clip: they shlould be charged for the negative results when a girl missed to be seductive and well performing..... Then, if a girl is a bad dancer or not a seductive minx, I assume VG staff missed to recruit her.

Some VG models are apreciated porn-actresses or porn starlettes...........
Unfortunately they are not as good as dancers and VG models as they are in the porn: that produces a great disappointment for a bad VG-Card you bought.

Overrating and underrating is like speaking aloud in a crowd to raise your words over the noise.
If I apreciated a card, and that card has a medium rating of 8.6/10, I'd probably rate it 9/10 or even 10/10 just to raise my vote over the historical average rating. It's just a way to remark my opinion.

Dołączył: Nov 2008

768 post(y/ów)
November 29, 2010 (edited)
A lot of good points have been made here, and I unusually find myself agreeing with almost everyone to at least some extent.

I too consider comments to be much more important than ratings, as anybody who has read my comments and reviews will realise. Hopefully Totem's plans to make the better and more detailed comments sticky, will improve the comments section in general and encourage more people to write in more detail.

I also think more emphasis should be put on the ratings of individuals though. I.e. the rating should be the way in which users manage their favourites, rather than being a measure of popularity (card sales are a much better measure of actual popularity for a start).

In order to do that though, I think we should be able to rate cards as individuals to two decimal places, since it would encourage people to think about what cards they like better than others in more detail. For instance I might consider a card rates 8.51 and another rates 9.49. Under the current system both would be rounded to 9, but I obviously like the latter much more than the former.

I currently have 168 cards in my collection which I have rated 10. That actually means cards rated 9.5 and above though, and all of those can appear in my favourites list. It would be nice if my favourites list could comprise my actual favourites though - e.g. those I rate 9.9 and above.
Dołączył: Dec 2008

258 post(y/ów)
November 29, 2010
if you use a rating sys of 1-10 then some cards should be a 1 and some a 10 with most ending up in the 4-6 range if you rate every card an 8 or above then why bother with a 1-10 rating sys?maybe it would help if totem let us add a decimal point IE 7.6 that being said i stoped rating cards or using the rating long ago.since i find i seldom agree with them.if im going to buy a card its usualy on the first day and the ratings are always high when a cards new.
Dołączył: Dec 2009

123 post(y/ów)
November 29, 2010
i think so: card are overrated it is not possible so many girls have a so high average, and her performance, outfit, body and face, are nothing special.

i agree with PinkLover69 for more factor rate
or better a 4 factor rating
  • Girl (the girl, body and face, simpaty). 0 to 10
  • Performance (Everything about the show, her performance). 0 to 10
  • Outfit (Everything about the outfit and the scenary). 0 to 10
  • Quality (Quality from video, duration and structure of clips, etc) 0 to 10

@jager69 a good topic
Dołączył: Oct 2010

71 post(y/ów)
December 1, 2010
@Spacephantom said: "I too consider comments to be much more important than ratings, as anybody who has read my comments and reviews will realise. Hopefully Totem's plans to make the better and more detailed comments sticky, will improve the comments section in general and encourage more people to write in more detail."

I may agree with you: comments are more rich in details and may add peculiar elements that moved a member to rate the card.
But comments are always relative, in so far they are built over a personal opinion.
Then, we have the problem of the LANGUAGE DEPENDENCE.

Many enthusiastic supporters of VG girls are posting in English, because that is the most used language in this community and because their mother language is not supported by the forum boards.
Unfortunately many users are not very confident with English language and they cannot formulate a detailed and rich comment in English. For that same reason they do not go after comments: they do not read them at all; they just quickly glance to rating.
So using the rating sistem, according to common criteria, should be easier for all members resolving any language dependence problem.

BTW, I noticed French and German members post their comments using own mother languages.
I do not like it, because I do not read German and French at all.
Guess boards should be separated according to the language as it happens at many multi-language sites.
Dołączył: Oct 2010

71 post(y/ów)
December 1, 2010
Hydargos69 said: it is not possible so many girls have a so high average, and her performance, outfit, body and face, are nothing special.

Taking a walk during the happy hour time in your city you can cross a lot of nice girls (...and nice means "nothing special").
Do you consider so many of them worth of a 10/10 rating?
I do not think so: a 10/10 rated girl will be probably a fashion model!

But, just suppose to take part to a party during the fashion weeks in Milan: well, you'll have a great chance to meet and admire a lot of fashion models....... that does not mean all of them will be worth of a 10/10 rating! Indeed there are very few super-models you'll consider worth of a 10/10; many others, in comparison, will be rated just 7/10!
Anyway that 7/10 fashion model will be worth of a 10/10 if you compare it to the next door pretty girl.......

So, no matter the aspects you consider (performance, outfit, body and face) we have to assume the existence of few standard reference criteria to rate something.

Dołączył: Oct 2010

71 post(y/ów)
December 1, 2010
Assuming the Girl, her Performance, the Outfit and Card Tech Quality are the factors we must consider to rate a card ARE YOU SURE THEY MUST CONTRIBUTE IN THE SAME % TO PRODUCE THE OVERALL RATING?

I say:
Girls are at least worth of a 50%;
Performance is worth of a 40%;
Outfit and Quality must share the remainging 10%

Dołączył: Oct 2010

71 post(y/ów)
December 1, 2010
As @CyberVixen pointed out Italian is already supported by the board.
But I was not asking for this chance: no need to use Italian out of Italy.
This is an international community so I guess a common international reference language (as English) should be used by all members in the main sections of the site.

Anyway, the presence of comments in most languages is a problem we can live with, althopugh I'm a bit disappointed by the fact I cannot read and appreciate many of them, just because I do not know many languages....... Indeed I'm disappointed by the fact I cannot understand German and French, not by the fact other members can use and read them!
Dołączył: Aug 2009

1038 post(y/ów)
December 1, 2010
Yes, I think a lot of girls are overrated. And indeed there are some who are underrated.

But there are reasons why the rating can never be perfect.

One is that each person will vote based on their on preference. I think sex is one of these things where opinions and preferences are most varied. Also, different people regard different things as important and these views can be contradictory. For example one person my like nudity, while another may prefer to see her clothes on.

Secondly, people vote in different ways. Some will give tens freely while others will vote more modestly. I rarely give tens myself. But am happy to give8s and 9s.

Thirdly, I suspect there are people who only vote if they like a card. They may not vote at all if they don't like the card. Or others only vote if they feel strongly. So they will vote 9, 10 and 1,2 but may not vote between 3 and 8.
Dołączył: Jul 2009

3 post(y/ów)
December 1, 2010 (edited)
Most posts here are not considering personal preferences, which are all important. I don't see a good solution to this.

As to over rated cards, I see too many really good cards with ratings below 8.6. Based on this, I do not consider ratings above 8 as a negative. I use the comments to help decide if a girl would be to my liking. I especially appreciate "Space phantom's comments and the time he takes to help others.

There are the rare few who seem to delight in making negative comments. I believe that all girls are someone's *****. They are loved and should be respected. A really negative comment really pisses me off as it has no redeeming value except to show the commenter for what he is.

One suggestion, from my own experience, is to use VGHD Player2 before making a comment.

I discovered that girls I deleted from my collection were quite good but only after I got Player2 and looked at a card again. The random clip selection, used by Totem, did not let me come to a realistic conclusion.

Personally, I stopped rating girls but still make comments because I want to help others decide if a card is one they would like to buy. What I like is not important to others except to help them evaluate my comment, as it relates to their own preferences.

The comments here that focus on improving the system are worthwhile but I have little to offer because of the complexity. Any improvements must be simple. I base this on the vast number of comments that have little or no value.

The one improvement to the comment section would be to have an isolated comment section that contains comments of value. This obviously can only be judged by totem. This might be similar to Amazon's comment system.

I do have one request for Totem, that they include leg length in their classifications. It would save me time in my trying to make that determination. A girl's leg length is important according to all surveys.
Dołączył: Dec 2007

1325 post(y/ów)
December 2, 2010
WHO is that hot babe, pappy?
(Is she a VG2 girl? If so, Totem bring HER on to classics release soon!!
Nice Slim 'n' HoneyDoll Tang!!)

All these posts regarding rating cards have me thinkin' I just might go over all my ratings and redo them...Depends on how the Winter Storm Season goes...I'm really leaning toward doing combo ratings. One for the girl-one for the show and averaging them BUT making the different ratings at least available in my comments so people know the difference.
I think that's eventually the way to go. Rate both girl & show separately,at least in the comments if Totem doesn't want to do a whole new system, then average them for the rating, but let it all be known in your comments ALONG WITH LOTS OF EROTIC ACTION DESCRIPTIONS.. Then there would be less temptation to rate the babe as the whole card!
Y'know as much as I don't like seeing comments in non-English languages for info sake, I'm totally OK with all you Euro's doin' it up in yer own lingo!!Yer countrymen/women will love you for it!
Express yo' self, Mo' Fo'!!
Yakkity Yak!!!!

...And maybe someday I'll find out if "schlank" really means what I think it does!(I'm too lazy to look it up!)

Well, at least, I'll do this on upcoming cards....

Do you need to be readin' this??
Go to bed!!!!
Dołączył: Oct 2010

71 post(y/ów)
December 2, 2010
@plasonic asked: WHO is that hot babe, pappy?

Guess she's Morgane in a picture from Love Cruise card.
Dołączył: Dec 2007

1325 post(y/ów)
December 2, 2010 (edited)
Morgane with a push....!!

You can see my ***** at the illusion!

Super Racked & Vixen Faced!
Dołączył: Oct 2010

71 post(y/ów)
December 2, 2010
@plasonic: Super Racked & Vixen Faced!

Yes, she's worth of a 10/10 if you are looking to keep overrating cards.....
May be a 8/10 is an ones rating if you are looking to a balanced and critical evalutation!
Dołączył: Oct 2010

71 post(y/ów)
December 2, 2010
@CyberVixen said: People will ultimately rate cards how they see fit, based on their own criteira no matter what rating system is in place, we are each individuals and or tastes vary, so what one user may cosnider a highly over rated card another will consider to be under rated, we all have minds of our own.

Many posts already pointed out the subjective nature of rating and comments.....
But here is the big question we have to answer to: WHY WE HAVE A CARD RATING SYSTEM?
What is the ultimate reason of the existence of the CARD RATING SYSTEM?

Guess many VG members and card buyers use it as an important reference classification when they have to decide if a card is worth of not of being added to their collection.
An high card rating can move users to buy the card; so an highly overrated card moves members to buy an unworth card.
It's clear card overrating is an advantage for the seller not for the buyers: definitely it works in the same way as a deciving marketing spot or an un-honest review promoting something out of its real value.
I'm not looking to charge VG Team and VG Company, because overrating was made by members, but I suggest VG members should use some sort of criticism and be honest when rating cards.
Overrating cards can result in damage for other members.

Dołączył: May 2009

61 post(y/ów)
December 2, 2010
Overrated? Underrated?
Cats like to Eat Mice, but I not like them. And also I like Vegetables but my Cat runs away.
Does anybody goes into a Pub and ask all the other People whats their favourite Drink, before he orders something?
Here's my rating:

Beer 10
Vodka 9.5
Water 2
Milk 1
Cola 6

So, now I am sure everyone will only drink Beer and no more Water or Milk!
Or ........... are they underrated??? ;-)
Dołączył: Dec 2007

1325 post(y/ów)
December 2, 2010
I neglected to make it clear..."Super Racked & Vixen Faced" was a description of pappy's version of the piccy...and a contributing factor to my *****(along with my geezerly aspect of not remembering every costume of every girl.) (smile)

I feel that commenting should be done early upon getting a card.(What she does, how she moves, explicit action, costume, etc.)Rating should not be done until after one has watched the card in it's entirety and taken her out for a wank/twirl or two!
You can't say someone is either overrated or worth a lower rating without saying "in my opinion". It's all subjective.We each have our own criteria for enjoyment!
My criteria,i.e., beautiful girl, attractive to me, good mover, (dance or prance)does she communicate deep sexuality whether real or good acting,is she explicit enough (showing or touching/fingering)does she inspire rich amount & style of FantaSex imaginative reaction in me, am I loving being seduced by her ,CAN I GET OFF TO HER DEPENDENTLY, all contribute to my deciding how I rate her.
If you are just looking while doing work you have a whole set of different criteria and can afford to worry about tat's & shoes, etc.!
So I'll start clearing up my ratings from here on in...
But ratings without descriptive comments are worthless to me...I see thru the veil into them as subjective critique...whereas..comments like-"she bends over & strokes her pussy...dances with a sensual come on look in her eyes...smiles like she wants you to ***** her...shows her cookie/pucker a lot close up on bar etc...." all carry much more weight as to telling me what's going on & the effective rating of a card. If you're going to say "Hot babe!" & rate her 10 I want to know what she's doing to make you feel that way. Otherwise it's just a blip on my VG/DB babe radar screen...
It's like a writing commandment ...Don't just say it("She's hot") SHOW IT!("she bends over and gives us two long, intimate, fingering clips ")
Again fer the Euros...If you are not comfortable saying it in English say it in your own language, BUT SAY IT!
Too much "under-commenting" on cards!!!(smile)

Dołączył: Aug 2009

1038 post(y/ów)
December 4, 2010
As Cyberviven inferred, the whole point of the rating system in my view is a marketing tool. As long as all the ratings are skewed to the higher end it doesn't matter who is rated high or not.

Another thing to consider is: What is the definition of a 1 rating. Is a 1 rating a for a VGHD girl whose performance and look simply don't appear to the viewer? Or is a 1 rating a very unattractive normal woman? If it is the former, then the cards are probably over-rated, but if it is the latter then many cards may in fact be underrated.

In general, my rating is based on instinct. When i see the girl do I say "hell yeah" or "whatever".

But that rating is also based on factors that are important to me. The costume is important to me and how the girl uses it.But that may be unimportant to others.

Also, it must be born in mind that two reviewers can give opposite scores for the same factor. For example, if a girl is nude all the time, I would give a low score as that does not really interest me. While another person can give a 10 because that is exactly what the want to see.

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Masz jednak dostęp do podstawowych kategorii dzięki którym możesz pozostawać w kontakcie ze społecznością !