I have similar problem but with few differences.
I bought new PC so i wanted to reinstall VGHD (i have no old PC - mainboard burnt), and here comes the problem: i cannot find Old Email with my Acc ID and PW, i had like 7 full shows on it and so i am NOT going to buy them again. So i created new acc (this one) because there is NO WAY to get password back when You have no account (paradox?). I sent Password recovery like 17 hours ago and still did not get email (yeah i am sure i type valid email address and yes i checked the spambox). Is there some other way to get ID and PW back??
And what i wrote a long time ago from previous ID - let users change their PW and ID (i noticed now we can log into with Nickname not only number is that correct?) and there will be no such problems...
Edit: i was buying credits only by phone/SMS.