@Oquijanhmm, i don't remember 'exactly' how many posts were listed on the recent posts section on the old site... i'll take a stab at 10-11?
so after looking on the 50 last posts tab it appears that there were posts to another 9 different topics in-between your last post and the next one on this thread, placing this one in serious jeopardy of dropping into the 50 last posts section anyway.
a few nude replacement card updates or youtube link spams and the topic would then be lost in the abyss we know as the *shock* actual forum :o
on the upside, with the hottest topics in place this thread has just been on the up & up.
sure you still want to replace it with recent posts?
saying all that though bainary probably had the best idea on this so far.
Nie masz uprawnień do przeglądania tego tematu