Welcome to Round 4 Sweet Sixteen edition of the Ultimate Meaningless VGHD Playoffs!! Sponsored by Prude Strippers: why strip naked when you can put on more clothes (gasps!). Prude Strippers changing the way you think...about stripping.
What to vote for: The girl you'd want to have as your secretary, which include some naughtiness on the side at the risk of losing your significant other.
Qualification: I thought it would be nice to give your a small variety of different girls. You have the sophisticated, older Monica Scott, the buxomly Chikita, the teenage-y Eufrat, and the smoking hot blond Vicky S to choose from.
Technicality: Monica Sweet would have been the perfect secretary, but she is saved for later.
Vote twice - poll, comment.
Voting will open until Saturday.
General comments are welcomed. Thanks for participating.
P.S. I know Zuzana is not in the playoffs but she has the best secretary card by far! It so fits her.
Poll 37 Round 4 UMV Playoffs: Miss Secretary
119 głos(y/ów)
Chikita, I'd love for her to be my secretary I am doing on the side.
Eufrat, I'd love for her to be my secretary I am doing on the side.
Monica Scott, I'd love for her to be my secretary I am doing on the side.
Vicky S, I'd love for her to be my secretary I am doing on the side.