@pianogrinder I'm pretty sure your right.
- Warning Mathematics Alert*
Due to the base of the company they use SI units (meters, centimeters and kilos).
The website shows the base to IPs originating in SI using countries, for IPs from non-SI using countries, the site multiples meter measurements by 3.2808399, centimeter measurements by 0.393700787 and weight measurements by 2.20462262.
So the for the SI using countries, the site would show a model that statistics as:
Height: 1.73 Weight: 49.9 Measurements: 89/61/94
For non-SI countries it would display:
Height: 5.68 Weight: 110 Measurements: 35/24/37
Since feet are not a decimal unit, to figure out the height of the models in non-SI units (feet and inches), the number before (to the left) of the decimal point is feet, to determine the number of inches simply multiply 12 by the number after (to the right) and including the decimal point.
So the unknown model is 5ft 8.16 inches. The .16 would be hundredths of a inch.
Can you ID the model? (She is a popular model)