Of course it's good and fair enough.LOL you are a better man than me; if I finally won something worth owning and it was removed I would be absolutely livid. Glad I don't play the loot boxes as this would have surely been a deal breaker for me. I meant everyone would feel disappointed if the best reward were removed. But in another way, if someone gets the EX card by "mistake", it would also be unfair to the people who really paid a lot for these. So, using a Joker card to fix the errors is a good solution because the Joker card is the most valuable and hardest to get.
when I go in the store online not in the app, both EX shows are shown there for 15 credits but when you try to buy then it gives a message An error has occured. Please try again in a few moments.please remove them because it's annoying when you want to buy something and you can't...
I'm a long time member since July 2008 with 5961 cards
No worries, shame about the EX cards, but had I realised it was a bug I would have told the team.Thank you for the joker cards.
In all this time, how much money you think you have spent on card (don't count gambling:)@angelipijani
In all this time, how much money you think you have spent on card (don't count gambling:)
But after 16 years of being a member and 5961 cards, maybe it's part of the iStripper loyalty program ...😄 😄
got 5 10-packs, 1 jocker, 2 special event cards, and then a random spattering of new vs old on my endGood to hear, not bad :)
BuongiornoDopo tante critiche fatte a Voi per le carte "Special Event Card" che NON posso acquistare.Devo farvi comunque un complimento per i gioco dei BOOSTER PACK. Perché anche se purtroppo mi sono capitate carte che non volevo e non ho comprato apposta nel corso degli anni.Nei pacchetti che ho comprato ho trovato tre Jolly che mi hanno permesso di acquistare delle carte speciali.E anche molte ragazze trovate che si sono rivelate una bella sorpresa.Anche se mi riprometto di non spendere più da Voi, ogni volta che vedo qualche ragazza che mi piace .... ritorno a comprare.Amo iStripper come ho amato Deskbabes e Virtuagirl.Adesso sto valutando se incrementare il mio numero di crediti per giocarci ancora.Ora ho 5668 carte (comprese quelle non più attive) certo che se dovessi ragionare sui soldi spesi in questi anni .... giungerei alla conclusione che sono PAZZO.
Dear all,the presence of the EX cards in the boosters was INDEED a bug ! It has been corrected few minutes ago, the EX cards removed from your collection and replaced with a JOKER CARD.Thank for your understanding !
I got 13 packs of 10 cards and among an asortment of randoms I pulled 3 SEC but 0 jokers and not the ones I was looking for ( Sybil, Red Fox or Caprice) :( at least I'm 10 cards short of the 1500 status...Not bad
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