Most of us have no interest in children ( I do not say all because occasionally there is the odd one who is) but anime/hentai is an artform the same as comics such as DC or Marvel.
Fair enough. Who keeps you from watching hentai or ***** anime? I don't. But what we have here is obviously not hentai nor anime. And since the trend widely extends into iStripper's offer, I have every right to express my opinion. In this instance, you're the one who's trying to silence someone, not me.
Hentai is interesting because of its origins in Japan. It's the product of an extremely corseted society, where men needed outlets to, let's say, privately let off some steam the only way they could. Oversized feminine attributes, perverse situations, even the crazy tentacle porn (where very creative minds took advantage of silly laws to give birth to a wholly original artform, as you said) or bukkake, all of this translated into highly codified and original forms. All in all it even relates to some of the oldest artefacts of mankind representing feminine figures with oversized sexual attributes. I understand all this, and I understand the fantasies all that subculture can create. I do get it.
But we're not in the same context, and I have every reason to find it of very dubious taste, to say it in a milder way that I did before, when it refers to children, the same way I would object to cards that would depict a ***** (if that were possible with solo cards, but you get my point), even though I know that some women really have ***** fantasies.
If you are going to take issue with this then why not take issue with all the girls who wear School Uniforms. They are depicting children after all.
Oh but I do! It's exactly the same trend. Childish cosplay (not all cosplay), nonsensical pseudo-***** uniforms, any card where a model sports pigtails and wear clothes with an obvious reference to young girls. It's the same idea in my opinion.
I am sorry but I see nothing in Lily's card that even relates to ***** pornography. She is a very beautiful young woman and this card is not even xxx rated.
Well then I'm sorry but you're kidding yourself. Whether it's just nudity or plain pornography doesn't change anything to the sexual nature of this *****-related content. Lily is indeed a very beautiful woman, and I loved her first card (where she behaved like an adult), but why does she have to strip from clothes that are so obviously meant to evoke childhood while displaying chlid-like mannerisms? What does it add to her charms?
Besides, I never said that I wanted iStripper to stop doing those cards altogether. In all honesty I wouldn't take so much issue if there weren't so many childhood-oriented cards and cosplay cards (two different things) of late.