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Small reminder concerning the SEC obtained only with games of chance.  

  게시판 / iStripper에 관한 모든 것

Joined in Aug 2017

1352 글
September 25, 2020 (edited)
It might be a good idea given the return of Melena Maria Rya, here on istripper for Take 4, that people who are against SECs only getting by gambling, adopt these images (creations of @alarsi71) as their avatar.

Just as a little reminder.

Thank you. 😊

N.B. I want to clarify that there is nothing against Totem in this action. Nothing will happen to those who join. On the other hand, people who disapprove, like me, of obtaining SEC's only through gambling, must make their voices heard. In all democracies, people have the right to speak, and to be able to express their dissatisfaction with certain policies, on condition that this is done with respect. This is democracy. I especially want to avoid, among other things, that Totem remake us for a second time, this bad trick of the SEC card of the wonderful Melena Maria Rya.

It is high time that Totem respects its buyers, who refuse to play games of chance to obtain SEC (Special Event Card)

This is an opportunity to show your dissatisfaction with this policy.

Therefore, let us take the opportunity to share all of these same avatars, symbol of our solidarity.

Ce serait peut être une bonne idée vu le retour de Melena Maria Rya, ici sur istripper pour une prise 4, que les personnes qui sont contre les SEC s'obtenant seulement avec les jeux de hasard, adopte ces images (créations de @alarsi71) comme avatar.

Juste comme petit rappel.

Merci. 😊

N.B. Je tiens à préciser qu'il n'y a rien contre Totem dans cette action. Il n'arrivera rien à ceux et celles qui y adhèrent. Il se doit par contre que les personnes qui désaprouvent, comme moi, l'obtention des SEC's seulement par le gambling, fassent entendre leur voix. Dans toutes les démocraties les gens ont le droit de parole, et de pouvoir manifester leur mécontentement face à certaines politiques, et ce, à la condition que cela se fasse dans le respect. C'est ça la démocratie. Je veux surtout éviter entre autres, que Totem nous refassent pour une seconde fois, ce mauvais coup de la carte SEC de la merveilleuse Melena Maria Rya.

Il serait plus que temps que Totem respecte ses acheteurs, qui se refusent de jouer aux jeux de hasard pour obtenir des SEC (Special Event Card)

C'est une occasion de montrer votre mécontentement face à cette politique.

De ce fait, profitons en pour partager tous et toutes ces mêmes avatars, symbole de notre solidarité.
Joined in Aug 2017

1352 글
September 25, 2020 (edited)
Pourrais-je savoir pourquoi les images des avatars ont été supprimés ?

En quoi ne respectent-elles pas vos règlements ?

May I know why the avatar images were deleted?

How are they not respecting your regulations?
Joined in Jan 2008

76 글
September 25, 2020

Looks like you touched a nerve there!
Totem is not a democracy - it's a business. A business which has grown due to the support of its customers over the years. It's a business which has become increasingly committed to profit.
The SECs are nothing but a cynical mechanism to exploit a rather basic human weakness: gambling

I used to manage off-course betting shops, and I've watched many ordinary people ruin their lives because of their addiction. It was much more visible to me, because physical money was required to place a bet. When a victim ran out of money, he had to go to an ATM, or leave. Fridays were always the worst. Young men, with their fresh pay-packets, full of hope. Maybe they had a wife and children to support, and their basic wage didn't cover their needs? Maybe it was simply the thrill? The outcome was invariably the same: they would leave shortly after, having been cleaned out. I have no idea how many lives I played a part in destroying before I finally left the business, but I still remember the familiar haunted look on their faces when the reality of their situation finally became clear to them.

The SECs utilise an even more insidious method of exploitation - the mouse and virtual payment. We don't have to walk into a shop and hand over our hard-earned physical banknotes to buy our site credits, so we're already one step removed from our own responsibility. Then when Friday comes, and a new SEC obtainable only through wagering, we become even more vulnerable, because "just one more click" might be all that is required. Except, for the vast majority of Totem's customers, the reality is simply that the SECs will require massive investment to acquire. And it's mostly empty investment, due to the games of chance. Admittedly, last week there was an opportunity to obtain by meeting specific buying criteria, but even then, the pursuit of that one card meant heavy investment in other cards, which the customer had previously decided they did not want to purchase, simply because now they included the carrot of the elusive SEC

Of course, one other major difference between my experience of running a betting shop and Totem's virtual gambling model, is that I was also frequently threatened with violence when the anger felt at the loss of one's own money due to their own psychological weakness manifested itself. We had screens built in to protect us, but I've had butchers' knives waved at me, seen furniture thrown at the screens, and one time I even had to arrange for a Police escort home for a pregnant cashier who received a death threat from a customer for refusing to take his late bet. I mention this not as some sort of veiled threat, but further emphasise the unseen damage which gambling can have on people

I know this won't change anything. The SECs are clearly too lucrative for Totem to abandon. But I will continue to voice my opposition to them, in the hope that my words might convince one or two more people to spare themselves from the misery which always accompanies gambling
Joined in Apr 2008

729 글
September 25, 2020
Thanks for sharing the above perspective. I also don't think it's going to stop these practices, but at least we can let them know we don't want this kind of thing. Sady, it seems that more people atually enjoy it.

I know this won't change anything. The SECs are clearly too lucrative for Totem to abandon. But I will continue to voice my opposition to them, in the hope that my words might convince one or two more people to spare themselves from the misery which always accompanies gambling
Joined in Nov 2010

224 글
September 25, 2020
@Krell well said. Whether they fall into the legal definition of gambling or not, SECs are exploitative and cynical. They target the weaknesses of some of Totem's most loyal customers and those customers deserve better.
Joined in Apr 2015

57 글
September 25, 2020
Pourrais-je savoir pourquoi les images des avatars ont été supprimés ?

En quoi ne respectent-elles pas vos règlements ?

May I know why the avatar images were deleted?

How are they not respecting your regulations?

Perhaps we all should switch to "Please change you avatar" picture right away. ;)
And before brown-nosers will show up and start attacking people for stating the obvious: I couldn't agree more. Whole EA approach is a huge shame. And no amount of "oh, you get so much discounts, shut up" will change that.
Joined in Feb 2018

649 글
September 25, 2020 (edited)

That was a good post. I also don't like these special event cards, but I do understand that they must be very beneficial financially for Totem. I'd like to be able to simply buy all the cards I want. I wouldn't mind at all if they would renege on their promise to not put any SEC for sale ever, even when I've spent quite a bit of extra credits for mine in the past. If someone gets them cheaper in the future, good for them, it's nothing off of me.

Here in iStripper it is not "just" the gambling but it is connected to compulsion to not miss anything in your collection... the ***** for/disappointment of "missing out". If you're a completist and missing a card is an ***** you can't tolerate, you can end up spending hundreds of credits for one single card.

I am not a compulsive personality like that, but I still think Totem made me a favour when they released their first SEC of a model I don't need to collect :) I'm sure Kitana Lure is an excellent performer, but just due to my personal taste I don't need her cards in my collection.

And when I decided to skip that particular SEC, I also accepted the fact that there will be gaps in my collection from now on. That even coincided with introduction of some other models that I don't need in my collection. Ever since that I've been buying roughly 60% of new releases and not caring about the gaps. Now, even if the next SEC is by a model that I really really like, I can accept the gap in my collection because it is now incomplete anyway, and the content of the SECs are never anything that special, compared to the regular cards of the same model already released.
Joined in Aug 2017

1352 글
September 25, 2020 (edited)
Thank you @Krell and the others for your testimonials.

It gives me another clarification and helps us all see it more clearly.

For my part, I hardly expect a response from Totem.

I know that I am disturbing to them and that I raise questions that irritate them.

For my part, I have always been transparent in my intentions.

But I never have the answers from them, which many here also need to have.

Yes iStripper contributes through their games to exploit some people with addiction problems.

Me personally this aspect comes to me, because I work to help vulnerable people, with mental illnesses.

I believe that the lack of response does not help their cause.

I believe that several here have already given ample explanations and means, on why Totem should change their policies of the SEC, obtained only by the games of chance.

Merci @Krell et aux autres pour vos témoignages.

Cela me donne un autre éclaicissement et nous aident tous à y voir plus clair.

Pour ma part, je ne m'attend guère à une réponse de Totem.

Je sais que je suis dérangeant pour eux et que je soulève des questionnements qui les irritent.

Pour ma part, j'ai toujours été transparent dans mes intentions.

Mais je n'ai jamais les réponses de leur part, dont plusieurs ici ont également besoin d'avoir.

Oui iStripper contribue par leurs jeux à exploiter certaines personnes ayant des problèmes de dépendance.

Moi personnellement cet aspect vient me chercher, car je travaille à aider des gens vulnérables, avec des maladies mentales.

Je crois que l'***** de réponse, n'aident aucunement leur cause.

Je crois que plusieurs ici ont déjà donné amplement d'explications et de moyens, sur le pourquoi Totem devraient changer leur politiques des SEC, ne s'obtenant que par les jeux de hasard.
Joined in Mar 2016

1007 글
September 25, 2020
Truth is, SECs and gambling make the product sustainable for the company. So they are going to stay, may we like them or not.
Joined in Dec 2007

128 글
September 25, 2020
Truth is as a long time member of iStripper every time I see a SEC card it feels like someone tied me to a telephone pole and my nuts to an Indy car and told that driver to hit the redline.

What is the equivalent for the ladies here?
Joined in Feb 2015

227 글
September 25, 2020
every time I see a SEC card it feels like someone tied me to a telephone pole and my nuts to an Indy car and told that driver to hit the redline.

What is the equivalent for the ladies here?


Gave up on the them special cards long ago, all started with that Ginebra Bellucci bikini card, too much Coin involved for me
I'm on a low budget
Joined in Dec 2007

456 글
September 26, 2020
Ever since that I've been buying roughly 60% of new releases and not caring about the gaps. Now, even if the next SEC is by a model that I really really like, I can accept the gap in my collection because it is now incomplete anyway,

Wow that describes my feelings and purchase pattern exactly.

I've come to terms there will be gaps in my collection as well. I used to buy all the cards if I liked a girl but now I never get complete sets; instead I make a exclusive card of my own from each set even if one isn't ***** upon me. The only time I even think about the exclusive cards is when I see the 2 stuck in my wish list.
Joined in Sep 2007

520 글
September 26, 2020
Now that is the way to treat the situation and don't get bent out of shape over it
Joined in Dec 2007

456 글
September 26, 2020
Now that is the way to treat the situation and don't get bent out of shape over it

LOL I'm not sure who or what you a refering to. BUT the exclusive cards still annoy me; I just think about it less often. If you need to feed off the gullible to stay in business then I think you need a new business plan.
Joined in Oct 2018

189 글
September 26, 2020
Agua que no has de beber...dejala correr! "The water you shouldn't drink, just let it run".
Joined in Apr 2019

220 글
September 26, 2020
I agree with most statements here... BUT I will admit, if SEC are going to comeout.... I prefer it to be like this last weeks event... They gave us multiple "games" to acquire it.... wether by gambleing OR just buying cards that you dont have... while this doesnt benefit full deck collectors, it does help those in beginning or middle collectors like myself... If I am going to normally buy cards on the pick a card or discount the more you buy events... I dont mind that an SEC is a prize for going deep into that purchases... OR if i want to gamble, I can play the games like slots or scratch but dont have to to win the SEC card... i would prefer this method of roll out vs here is a new SEC, the only way to get it is if you have a joker or play slots or scratch... at least me purchasing cards I want can get it for me if I buy enough cards I would have bought anyway....

That being said, it would be nice if Totem gave away Jokers for inbetween levels of purchased status... Like half way between diamond and diamond 2, you got a joker.. then again between diamond 2 and 3... like a reward from getting so many cards... I think something like that (progress for collection = reward of SEC joker card along the way as a thankyou) I think that would help people spend into collections knowing there is a joker goal to obtain eventually... just a thought.....
Joined in Mar 2016

1007 글
September 26, 2020 (edited)
VIP program..... no one ever ***** this much at all, if ever. No, body ever tried to get them of free.
VIP membership is totally different from gambling games.

With VIP membership, you simply get something offered to you - you pay the price and you get it at once.
With a gamble game, instead, you NEVER can be certain to win the prize, even after throwing thousands of credits in the game. This is the main reason people ***** about SEc events, since most of times such events have been bound to a gamble game.

Anyway, as a current trend we are getting more and more often some SEc events in which people are sure to win the special card after playing enough with the event (as on past week's one). If one doesn't acquire the card on that event, the card will be still available later, but via gamble games.
This is a step in the right path, and has been appreciated - at least by me.

Adding the possibility to buy Jokers for the "upper level" members owning 3000+ cards (or whatever number the company might want to decide) would be a step more in the right direction, and could make happy both such members and the company - since many people would buy more and more cards, in order to reach such upper level and become able to buy Jokers.
Joined in Mar 2008

197 글
September 26, 2020
Another aspect that should be mentioned is sometimes you chase a specific SEC, and when you finally get it you realise it just wasn't worth all the unwanted cards, the time and credits spent.
I had this experience last week: I got Stacy Cruz's special card while climbing the ladder to get Cara Mell's, and it was nothing... special. I was quite disappointed (again) and now I don't want any of the other SECs.
I had the same feeling with that Harry Potter themed card, wasn't even worth the regular 13.75 cred.
Joined in Nov 2019

226 글
September 26, 2020
I don't have any SEC. There are other cards of the same girl you can obtain easily. What's so special about these cards ? Maybe the fact that they are difficult to get.
Joined in Apr 2008

729 글
September 26, 2020
Another aspect that should be mentioned is sometimes you chase a specific SEC, and when you finally get it you realise it just wasn't worth all the unwanted cards, the time and credits spent.
I had this experience last week: I got Stacy Cruz's special card while climbing the ladder to get Cara Mell's, and it was nothing... special. I was quite disappointed (again) and now I don't want any of the other SECs.
I had the same feeling with that Harry Potter themed card, wasn't even worth the regular 13.75 cred.

As long as you keep trying to be disappointed, the House wins.

I don't have any SEC. There are other cards of the same girl you can obtain easily. What's so special about these cards ? Maybe the fact that they are difficult to get.

Nothing, that's the thing. It's only a marketing ploy calling something limited to increase it's appeal.
Joined in Mar 2016

1007 글
September 26, 2020 (edited)
sometimes you chase a specific SEC, and when you finally get it you realise it just wasn't worth all the unwanted cards, the time and credits spent.
In my opinion, SECs too should have ordinary 3 preview clips available to all members, as all other cards do.
Joined in Mar 2008

197 글
September 26, 2020
@batavus that's it, half of the SECs I got aren't as good as other regular cards, IMHO.

As long as you keep trying to be disappointed, the House wins.

@Alkasyn I know, I'm also trying to share my experience so that others don't make the same mistake.

@gkar45 haha, as you can see, women are not the only ones who enjoy let-downs 😄

@HansSachs agreed, I also think there should be detailed info about the clips (number of clips, features).
For example, Stacy Cruz's card only has 10 clips (1 standing, 5 pole and 4 table) most of them bare feet, and she gets rid of the heels early in the sequence every time.
Joined in Jul 2011

40 글
September 27, 2020
Truth is as a long time member of iStripper every time I see a SEC card it feels like someone tied me to a telephone pole and my nuts to an Indy car and told that driver to hit the redline.

Allow me to play devil's advocate for a moment.

You have 854 cards in your collection. I'm going to assume that you have therefore spent several hundred dollars aquiring those cards. You are now engaging in a line of argument that stipulates several things:

One, that despite spending several hundred dollars to acquire those cards, the thought of spending maybe a hundred more dollars in the slot machine to win a few Joker cards is somehow abhorrent to you.

Two, that despite the fact you don't even come close to being one of the largest collectors of these cards and this product, you now feel that you have some line of argument against those who spend far more money than you, or spend their money in a much more focused way than you to acquire what they want.

I think this line of argument is faulty. You, nor anyone else have no right to ***** foul after you personally subsidized this product.

Compared to most I see on this forum my own collection is quite small. However, I have no compunction about throwing 50 bucks into the slot machine to win a Joker card or two to gain a special event card I really want. Having spent some time in real casinos, playing real gambling games, with real money, and real stakes, I can say the games of chance here have a much higher chance of winning, and have a far greater payout than anything you'll get whether at a casino or your local convenince store scratchoff ticket.

To equate an optional game of chance to ***** only shows me you have deeper problems than your monthly credit card balance.

Yes iStripper contributes through their games to exploit some people with addiction problems.
Me personally this aspect comes to me, because I work to help vulnerable people, with mental illnesses.

If you have a problem with gambling or mental illness, then the last place you should be is here.
Turn off your computer and go get some help from a real person.

Jesus, you folks are throwing thousands of dollars into a hole, only to ***** that that it's not deep enough, and you're not allowed to throw even more money in?

If you've got a problem with the way the company sells their goods, maybe you should find a new company. Or maybe you should go outside once in a while, get some perspective on life. Maybe go visit your relatives, or take up a hobby that's not quite so expensive. Like making changes to the grafitti on office equipment, or driving around until you find somewhere your SatNav tells you you can go, but you can't.
Joined in Dec 2007

456 글
September 27, 2020
I think this line of argument is faulty. You, nor anyone else have no right to ***** foul after you personally subsidized this product.

I have been a member longer than you and have nearly 5 times a many cards as you so let me say I "***** foul" as well. When I joined you could buy any card you wanted without playing the fool.

I think it's sad that is no longer the case
Joined in Aug 2017

1352 글
September 27, 2020 (edited)
Yes iStripper contributes through their games to exploit some people with addiction problems.
Me personally this aspect comes to me, because I work to help vulnerable people, with mental illnesses.

If you have a problem with gambling or mental illness, then the last place you should be is here.
Turn off your computer and go get some help from a real person.


I never said I had a mental illness problem.

I said that I help people who have addiction issues and mental illness. I am one of those real people, helping vulnerable people. I am therefore well placed to understand this problem.

In this sense, it is a cause of which I am sensitive.

You should be careful how you interpret other people's words.

Totem has changed the way it acts and attracts people by giving them the illusion that they will acquire SEC cards by playing their games. They make them spend a lot of credits and money and often without being able to get the card they wanted.

Which was not the case before.

I have already said it. I have no problem paying more for an SEC card. On the other hand, I want to know what it will cost me and be sure to get it.

I am not a gambler, nor do I go to casinos, nor play slots, or lottery in real life. I'm not interested in being drawn into this kind of trap, being able to see the damage.

I don't want to gamble, I just want to be able to buy cards and watch pretty women dancing on my screen, without having to play games of chance to try and get them.

As a lawyer, I believe the Devil would get rid of your services fairly quickly.

Je n'ai jamais dit que j'avais un problème de maladie mentale.

J'ai dit que j'aide des gens qui ont des problèmes de dépendance et de maladie mentale. Je suis une de ces personnes réelles, qui aide des gens vulnérables. Je suis donc bien placé pour comprendre cette problématique.

En ce sens, c'est une cause dont je suis sensible.

Vous devriez faire attention dans la façon dont vous interprétez les paroles des gens.

Totem a changé sa façon d'agir et attire des gens en leur donnant l'illusion qu'ils vont acquérir des cartes SEC en jouant à leur jeux. Ils leur font dépenser beaucoup de crédits et d'argent et souvent sans pouvoir obtenir la carte qu'ils désiraient.

Ce qui n'était pas le cas auparavant.

Je l'ai déjà dit. Je n'ai pas de problème à payer plus cher pour une carte SEC. Par contre je veux savoir ce qu'elle va me coûter et être certain de l'obtenir.

Je ne suis pas un gambler, je ne vais pas dans des casinos, ni ne joue à des machines à sous, ni à la lotterie dans la vrai vie. Je ne suis pas intéressé à me faire attirer dans ce genre de piège, étant à même de voir les dégats.

Je ne veux pas jouer, je veux juste pouvoir acheter des cartes et admirer de jolies femmes danser sur mon écran, sans être obliger de jouer à des jeux de hasard pour tenter de les obtenir.

Comme avocat, je crois que le Diable se débarasserait de vos services assez rapidement.
Joined in Nov 2019

226 글
September 27, 2020
It's easy to say to have a problem with SEC's after spending many credits to obtain these cards.
If you don't want getting these ards don't spend your credits with these games and just buy your cards by the normal way.
I'm sure some people are frustrated spending many credits for obtaining a SEC and then being disappointed the SEC is not that special.
Don't blame istripper for your action, it's not their fault. You have to blame yourself.
I also have spent many credits with the games like "booster packs", "Scratch games",etc. I got many cards i normally wouldn't buy. Is it istripper's fault ? No, it was my own decision to participate.
Joined in Oct 2018

189 글
September 27, 2020 (edited)
Dear friends. I think that wasting time on this is an unnecessary wear and tear and I explain it to you this way:

What is IStripper?
Pornographic multimedia platform

What does it consist of?
  • A semi-collectible system of low-cost cards
  • Higher Cost VR Videos
  • Live Girls Web Cam service of May value still
  • The cards are what is called ¨comidity¨para hooking customers with higher value services or products ( like when you go to buy bread and end up leaving the supermarket with a full cart). You went to buy 1USD and left spending 50 USD for the promotions, hitches and all the machinery arranged for ¨consumer¨

VR and LiveGirls should have a much higher profitability and as a business itself it should be more lucrative. (it's a matter of looking at the values of those services)

The SEC, will never disappear, it takes very few to sustain it as a business area. Commercially it is better for a SEC player to spend 100USD to get a card than 100 spending 1USD buying cards that are outside this system.

Being the devil's advocate part 2 I would say the following:

The company or service provider:
  • I give you a moment of entertainment for little money under my conditions that I hope you like and accept, if you don't like these you can be so kind to go your way as you are an adult and independent person who knows what he is doing and can use his individual right of choice and spend his money where and how he wants.

The user or client:
  • Thank you for your product or service, I appreciate what you offer me, but today you do not meet my personal expectations, and I decide to take other entertainment options that life offers me.
I understand that you do not want to change because it is not in your interest, since I am not the target you want to retain or capture today.
I don't blame you or judge you for that.

When 1 side of the headphones stops playing or sounds bad...The music is no longer the same.
Joined in Aug 2017

1352 글
September 28, 2020
Under these conditions it is useful to say on the forum to future iStripper customers, that after spending several thousand dollars on cards, they will have their collections sabotaged with SEC that cannot be bought and obtained. (maybe if they're lucky) at a high price, while living in the frustration of not actually getting them. Especially since many of these girls, but not all, are among the favorites.

And at the end of the day being seen as an old sock, after paying all that money, no longer being customers for them to consider.

Maybe this will make these future customers think twice before investing in iStripper.

An informed customer is worth two, when the rules of the game are clear at the start.

Now what will Devil's Advocate say to those like us who invested in this way of seeing Totem, and who saw the rules of the game change along the way ? Will he laugh with the Devil at the bad blow he inflicted on these buyers, who believed and who still believe in this product, who apart from these frustrations, which are distortions, remains a good entertainment?

For my part, I don't like running away from a problem. That would be making it too easy for Totem.

They have the ability to find alternatives for their best clients, but pretending nothing has happened helps no one, and they included.

Dans ces conditions il est utile de dire sur le forum aux futurs clients d'iStripper, qu'après avoir dépenser plusieurs milliers de dollars pour des cartes, ils vont se faire saboter leurs collections avec des SEC ne pouvant s'acheter et s'obtenir (peut-être s'ils sont chanceux) qu'à gros prix, tout en vivant dans cela de la frustration de ne pas les avoir au final obtenu. Surtout que plusieurs de ces filles, mais pas toutes, font partie des préférées.

Et à la fin se faire considérer comme une vieille chaussette, après avoir payé tout cet argent, n'étant plus des clients à considérer par eux.

Peut-être que cela va ammener ces futurs clients à y repenser à deux fois avant d'investir dans iStripper.

Un client averti en vaut deux, lorsque les règles du jeu sont claires au départ.

Maintenant que va dire l'avocat du Diable à ceux qui comme nous ont investi avant cette façon de voir de Totem, et qui ont vu les règles du jeu changer en cour de route ? Va t-il rire avec le Diable du mauvais coup qu'il a infligé à ces acheteurs, qui ont cru et qui croit toujours à ce produit, qui en dehors de ces frustrations, qui font distorsions, reste un bon divertissement ?

Pour ma part je n'aime pas la fuite face à un problème. Ce serait trop rendre cela facile à Totem.

Ils ont la possibilité de trouver des alternatives pour leurs meilleurs clients, mais de faire comme si de rien n'était n'aide personne, et eux inclus.
Joined in Jul 2011

40 글
September 28, 2020
I have been a member longer than you and have nearly 5 times a many cards as you so let me say I "***** foul" as well. When I joined you could buy any card you wanted without playing the fool.
Well excuse me Mr. 2007, but you should know better. Remember when this particular product was actually several different products produced under different names, and one could only get the full experience by subsidizing several different iterations of the same?

My how times change.

I never said I had a mental illness problem.
Going out of your way to misunderstand what I said is a form of mental illness these days. So you'd best get tested.

You accuse the company of preying on those who do have problems, then I say to you if someone has these problems they shouldn't be here in the first place. In your particular case, I was using a non-specific "you" to address your concern, not making a specific reference to you personally. I don't even know who you are, and I wouldn't do you the disrespect to make assumptions about your life and your problems.

You should be careful how you interpret other people's words.
You should do the same.

Totem has changed the way it acts and attracts people by giving them the illusion that they will acquire SEC cards by playing their games. They make them spend a lot of credits and money and often without being able to get the card they wanted.
See, my contention is the use of the word "make". Totem does not "make" anyone do anything, and your accusation that playing the game does not lead to acquisition of a SEC is provably false. I got four Jokers on the slot machine for the parting of a few dollars. However, as with any game of chance, there is always a possibility you will lose.

I don't want to gamble, I just want to be able to buy cards and watch pretty women dancing on my screen, without having to play games of chance to try and get them.
No, what you want to do is kick up a fuss and ***** that you didn't get something specific you wanted. There are literally thousands of cards for sale. Go find one. If you don't like the games of chance then don't play them. No one is ***** you to do anything. It's your money, spend it however you want, or don't even spend it at all.
If you choose to gamble, prepare to lose. Try acting like an adult and make a rational decision.

What grind my gears is you trying to pull some sob story about, "Oh the poor victims of this ***** practice," as if we're not all full grown adults here to consume porn and jerk off.

"Oh, the poor victims," Indeed. Grow up.

As a lawyer, I believe the Devil would get rid of your services fairly quickly.
I think the Devil would be fine retaining my services. Apparently I'm the only one around here who understands you don't get everything you want handed to you on a silver platter, and that when you gamble the House always wins.

It's good to have that kind of perspective on retainer.

VR and LiveGirls should have a much higher profitability and as a business itself it should be more lucrative.
My point exactly. The world is full of people who think they know better than the creators and operators of a successful product and business model. If you're so good at analyzing business, why don't you go play the stock market and leave the rest of us alone?

Let me just say this loud and clear: I LOVE PLAYING THE SLOT MACHINE GAME.
There. Now we have officially registered a contrary opinion. So when this company continues to live and thrive, giving you what you want, you can come thank me for putting my money in the slot machine and keeping the machine going. You see, I'm a man of the people. The people want porn, and I'm going to help them get it.

I have been a member longer than you and have nearly 5 times a many cards as you
I'm quoting this drivel for posterity.
Your 'Holier Than Thou' attitude is an inspiriation to internet chat rooms everywhere.
Joined in Jul 2011

40 글
September 28, 2020
they will have their collections sabotaged with SEC that cannot be bought and obtained.


Such strong words. No one owes you 100% completion as if this is some kind of video game.

Now what will Devil's Advocate say to those like us who invested in this way of seeing Totem, and who saw the rules of the game change along the way ? Will he laugh with the Devil at the bad blow he inflicted on these buyers, who believed and who still believe in this product, who apart from these frustrations, which are distortions, remains a good entertainment?

It is good entertainment, and quite profitable too. I actually enjoy my time here, and I consider the value for money spent to be perfectly acceptable.

You see? We can agree to disagree. I like the slot machine with sexy ladies on it and you don't.
Different strokes for different folks, as they say.

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