Viewing clips as mp4 or as some video type
No, it is not possible.
The video format used in iStripper is created in a way that prevents playback of clips to people who do not have the right to play them. If the clips were made available in such a popular format as mp4, people would share the clips without having to buy them.
... to scrub through a clip.
Sorry, English is not my native language and I'm not sure what "to scrub through a clip" means. Does this mean that you can fast-forward and rewind a clip?
If that's what you meant, then: the ability to fast-forward or rewind the clips is not possible. Without going too much into detail, I will say that such an option would require much more processing power of the processor, which would definitely affect performance. It was discussed somewhere in this forum, but I don't remember where and I'm too lazy to search.
Currently, if you want to be able to watch clips wherever you are, be able to fast-forward or rewind them, or watch them in "fast-motion", the only way is to record your screen using a screen capture program. I know, this is not a very convenient solution, but there is no other way.
If that's NOT what you meant: please ignore my post :)