@NebalYes! Eva Elfie card" Anything Else" 0536. Sorry I am so not computer literate but thanks to @lukaszr...he has a preview site... https://Isworkshop.eu/showroom/. Otherwise I would post pics! Check it out!
Maybe Santa will make it up to me and I'll get the last... for now... Eva Elfie maid card. Now that would be a very Merry Christmas!
Elfie Baby did a maid card?
If this helps, go to Studio in the website or GUI, backstage Eva Elfie from June 2018. First Pics!! Wowww
@boan000 If this helps, go to Studio in the website or GUI, backstage Eva Elfie from June .First Pics!! Wowww
@boan000 If this helps, go to Studio in the website or GUI, backstage Eva Elfie from June . First Pics!! Wowww
@boan000 If this helps, go to Studio in the website or GUI, backstage Eva Elfie from June .First Pics!! Wowww
What would be stupid for a company is to turn its back on their best customers by not allowing other alternatives to purchase some of their products, than by gambling.
Ce qui serait stupide pour une compagnie, c'est d'en venir à se mettre à dos leurs meilleurs clients en ne permettant pas d'autres alternatives d'achat de certains de leurs produits, que par les jeux de hasard.
I agree with you @boan000 ,
Totem must allow its best customers to acquire these cards outside games of chance.
This would be true recognition, for their loyalty, and would encourage people to acquire the entire collection, to finally get those cards.
Obviously those who would like to obtain these cards by the "Gambling", could always prevail of this means.
Following games of chance, and after a while, those who do not have the entire collection, could also acquire these cards with a cost of acquisition, which could go down, depending on the number of cards that people have.
Totem gives 45% off, plus 30% off for reload, plus 20% and 4k for premium...so the "best" customers can get a 25 credit card for less than 10 credits if they do the full 1320 reload bonus....you are looking at nearly 60% off compared to a new customer. And it is obvious many people would fill their collections if each card was still 25 credits. Stop acting entitled to something. You paid money for cards. You have access to the cards...totem doesn't owe you anything. You have thousands of cards to enjoy...enjoy them.
Totem owes us a lot,
2nd PRICE: All 2020 special event cards for free (5 winners)For me the worst info. This means we will continue to be ***** with this BS of S.E. cards next year. Very sad and annoying.
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