right now i'm watching all my Nikky Case cards, so much for life partners!!
As long as you have a backup copy NOT in use.
She will always be your Life partner.
Some info:
Keep at least one Backup copy that doesn't get used.
But It's not really a Backup if you only have ONE copy.
You should never count your In use copy as part of your Backup..
So that Means Two, other copies not in use at all times.
That is a true backup. Two spare copies of the same information. Just in case one gets damaged.
re-Create that copy immediately.
Check the condition of your backup copies.
do a Error Checking scan once every 6 months.
This is my recommendation for any Data that you do Not ever want to loose.
data that is Important to you, that can not every again be downloaded is worth the extra effort.
Two spare copies, that you check and refresh regularly.
and it's better if One of those copies is in a different location.
This is the attractiveness of Cloud backups.