@DoodPart2 Thanks for opening this discussion.
Members can post an Avatar, and if we see it, or it is brought to our Attention
We will review it.
if it pushes the boundary too far.
Worse that happens is we delete it and send a PM..
but as Cartref stated,
if it is ***** by many Members, then the rules might be made more strict again.
Unless it's a habitual offender who doesn't
understand the guide lines, or just plain out ignores them..
The Avatar we asked you to remove, was borderline...
If there was no Clear view between her legs, I think it would have been
Personally, I'd be ok with relaxing the Avatar rule some more..
But that is just My Own Personal Opinion.
Totem, iStripper set the Guidelines
and we do our best to interpret and enforce them.
We use this Forum as a place to report Avatars
just put @MemberName using the At sign with no space. https://www.istripper.com/forum/thread/7983/0
Note: that once an Avatar has been deleted, the Links to it, will no longer work..
So if you Want to post a Picture, you'd have to copy it to your computer, that add it to the Post.